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Request: Thieves Guild Armored Mages Robes


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I'm looking for a mod which adds the Shoulder armor and bandoleers from the Thieves Guild armor to the Mage Robes, preferably with color schemes matching the levels of the College robes themselves. I've looked everywhere so far, but have not been able to find something like this (have found other mods which add armored robes, but not like this.)


Novice Robe with normal brown leather thieves guild shoulders

Adept Robes with Grey thieves guild shoulders (Thynn or Tonila coloring)

Expert Robes with Black Guild Leader shoulders (Brynjolf or Mercer coloring)


Craftable or purchasable from the Thieves Guild, or from fences scattered around Skyrim and not previously enchanted.


If someone could either point me to a mod that is like this, or possibly make that textures that would be amazing.

Edited by AeronDirenni
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