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Help required - Launcher options are unusable


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my oblivion launcher doesn't work anymore is all grey out , how can I access the configuration settings like change resolution,HDR,BLOOM,ULTRA HIGH...ETC in the oblivion mod manager or is there any other way to gain access to those settings ...


**reinstalling is not an option** I already try

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The oblivion mod manager, And the Nexus Mod Manager only manage mods, and have nothing to do with the in game settings.


You must be able to run the game without the mod managers before they can do anything for you.

Reinstalling is always an option - especially if you have changed where the game is installed, or where any part of the game is installed in any way.

Here is my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure - I originally wrote this back in 2008 and have updated it several times since then. It has been used successfully by thousands of users over the years.


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