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Problems with Oblivion Armor Mods


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I must apologize for my bad english but i try to explain my problem.

I play the german version of Oblivion and dowloaded a lot of armor mods. also beauty packs and Hair packs.

But by many Armors parts i can´t see the Armor when i try it on, like unvisible or don´t loaded. Now i want to know what the problem could be, maybe that i use a group of armor and cloth mods or that the problem could be that i play the German version.

I use the Oblivion Mod Manager.

If anyone know what i could do i would be happy for help.


Thank you.

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I would say that you have missing meshes or textures.

But, if you are using OMM, that shouldn't be a problem.


You should check your data folder and see if the meshes and textures are there.


The mods you are using might also require other mods to work properly.

If it does, there should be something in the readme about it.

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Allright. So It should work like it should be if all things are in the data folder. If it isn´t there must i only download the complete mods and isert it to the manager or should i reinstall Oblivion complete?


Thank you for the fast answer. =)

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You shouldn't need to reinstall Oblivion at all.


You should just reinstall the mods.

If it is an OMOD, you should use the manager to install it.

If it isn't, just copy the mod into your data folder.

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Now it all works very good, but i have another question. I Have a problem with some skin textures, the most parts of the charakters have two parts of texture. for example the head part has got a brown skin part but the other parts of the body are not so brown, like the body had two texture parts. Could be the problem be a beauty face mod, or for example that i used more beauty mods together?


Also i have a problem with the Lineage 2 elvs mod. I download all of the requieres for the mod but after all the Body texture has a rosa colour but the Head has the true color from the Skin colour i choosed. Like The First Problem with the skin and texture by all charakters. Could their be the problem that i don´t use the requieres in the correct order, or should i but all requieres + the lineage 2 mod in one omod. Also i have a problem with the Dryade Race mod, i form the mod into a omod but if i start the game i only get a black screen and after that i am back at the windows menu.


I use the Oblivion mod manager.


I Hope anyone could help me, i apologize for my bad english and hope the problem i wrtie can be understand.

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