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Some difficult requests.


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~Some Difficult Requests~



1.Armor Level Requirement: This mod will make It so If a piece of armor Is at a certain amount of defense you will need to be a certain level to wear it. This would add more role play to the game. Example:Some random armor mod that comes with some godly set of armor and you can just go pick it up and wear it, I don't know about you but that's kind of retarded so lets say 4 defense is 3+ 5 defense is 4+ 6 defense is 7+ depends on what you would want that's the modders choice. This would also be good for mounts lets say you have to be level 5+ to even mount a horse then level 7 to mount a bay horse just a suggestion.


2.100% Dual Wielding: Yes I know It's out there but It seems all of the dual wielding mods out there are just dumb they add like 3 weapons that are dual wield able so I was thinking what If you can just make 2 one-handed sword slots but the second sword equipped is put in the other hand, sure Im guessing this would require a lot of work but you would also get a lot of recognition for this. (If this mod is already out please point it out for me)


3.Assassination Add-on:This would add more for the regular assassin this mod will allow you to sneak up behind people and slit there throat or in the dark grab someone from behind and throw them into a alley and kill them or snap there neck and drag them into a alley or even pull out a knock out rag and put it over there mouth and slowly drop them and walk away this would make the dark brotherhood quest line a lot more fun.


4.Bending Abilities:I know I'm not the only one who has ever watched that cartoon The Avatar and wanted to be able to earth bend and all of that but this mod would add 4 more races to the game Air Bender,Earth Bender,Fire Bender and Water Bender these races will be able to control these elements so the earth bender can kick the ground and a rock will rise up and they can punch it and it fly's forward and kills there enemy whoever is willing to do this just watch some episodes of The Avatar and copy the moves from there.


5.Different DeathYou ever played that game Conkers Bad Fur Day? Well I have and I remember when you die you go down to a dark cave with Death and he talks to you, well that gave me a great idea. What If when you die you get teleported down to Death or Hell or Heaven depends on what the modder likes and either God,Satan or Death gives you 3 choices Live here forever,Fight for my life back or Pay up 500 coins In my opinion Its a good idea. Also the effect that happens when you die Isn't just a loading screen your screen fades away with a white glow then goes black and you hear a door slam noise then you are teleported to his/her cave/heaven/hell.


6.Tackle,Choke and push: This would add 3 combat moves Tackle, Choke and Push. Tackle would allow the player while running to jump on the enemy thus knocking it down and the player gets up quickly and attacks it but the monster also has a chance of not getting tackled and knocking you over. Choke would allow you to choke the enemy in front of you and you can either throw them or just choke them until there breath meter runs out. Push would let you push enemy's when your surrounded by a ton of them so you have a chance to attack or run.


7.Horn,Wings,Tail and hair growth: This would make it so every week whatever race the modder makes there horns will get a tad bigger and same as the fur will grow longer and there hair and there wings and there tail I thought this would be cool for a demon class but also there has to be a limit so the growth stops and nothing gets too long.


8.Fallout Beginning: I know everyone here has played the oh so great Fallout 3 and I love the way you start out the game and I was wondering if someone could make something similar. This is what I was thinking about. You start out as a baby born by your mother and your dad is holding you then he does the same thing as in fallout 3 where you choose your name and what you look like but you choose what race you are before the whole game starts so your parents aren't human and your a khajiit so it depends on what race you choose then your parents are that race also. But after that your father gives you a sword after 1 week working in the field and doing small crop and animal quests for him and then you grow older and older then finally your mom and dad retire in a cabin way out in the woods and you can meet them anytime. I'm sure the story can get stretched a bit more with different quests and all that but just go all out with it. Also you start out In a small village with lots of friends and family so you will be able to do small quests with the villagers and sisters or brothers.


9.Dagon brainwash Right before you enter your first oblivion gate you hear a voice and its dagons voice he tries to persuade you into going onto his side and if you choose yes your whole story changes and you are now a Daedric Prince of Oblivion and you can spawn oblivion gates everywhere but when you choose to go on his side you get sent to a dark chamber then the lights come on and your on a surgery table and dagons dark surgeons perform dark arts on your body and all you can do is scream but when you wake up your 2x bigger with huge horns and red eyes and then Dagon supplies you with daedric lord armor.


10.Customizable Homes Ingame:This would allow you to go into a Sims 3 kind of camera view when you purchase a home or enter it and you get to move the objects in your home around to your liking or even delete or add them but It costs money to add furniture and I don't know If this is possible but also allow the player to retexture the floor,walls and ceiling that would be really cool.


Also remember If any of these mods exist or something similar please link me. :thanks:

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Hm...those are some good ideas. To bad I can't mod or I would try a few of them. But here are my thoughts on some of this stuff.


1: While a good idea, it might not be possible. For as everyone knows, as your skill in your choosen type of armor goes up, so to does the values of the armors that are that type. So even the lowest type of armor can become decent. That said, I just think that mods out there need to sit down and think about the armor ratings of there custom made armors. And balance it out some more. Also, to also lower the prices on their stuff. Sometimes, its outrageous for the costs, sometimes, its to expensive for the protection, othertimes, its to cheap. Balance is needed always.


2: Agreed, would like to see something that is easier and less complicated / stupid than some of the mods currently out there. I actually kinda like the two-handed weapon thing. Only problem I forsee about that is if the attack with a two-handed weapon uses the same animation for all weapons, than that might not be possible. But I don't know how that works. So would a modder that knows how that works please comment?


3: That would indeed be fun. Interesting ideas. Just might be complicated to pull off. But I think it is doable. After all, we have mods out there that make sex possible. Why not a mod that allows snapping of necks?


4: All I can say is that it might have more to do with the spell system and how its worked out than anything. Otherwise, that might be a neat idea.


5: Interesting idea. I like it. Lets see if a modder would like to pick it up.


6: Hm...Could be possible.


7: While a novel idea, it might not be that great of an idea after all. For example, while new feathers grow to replace lost ones, they don't get bigger (for anything to do with feathers (like maybe wings)), and some wings just wouldn't have anything to grow. Hair / fur on the other hand...to actually pull this off would be a major undertaking. On also, if a player doesn't want their short hair / fur growing? They would need a barbershop or something...


8: Would this new begining also explain why / how you ended up in jail? Plus, how would it deal with races? Or custom races even? This begining would make no sense for someone playing as a dremora or some other type of demonic / angel / undead race. So while a neat idea, a lot of thought would actually be needed to make it work out right. Planning, lots of planning is the number one issue for this.


9: You know what? I always wanted to join Dagon's team. But, lets just leave it to something simpliar. Like, you do not change into a Dedric Prince (Why would he make you into something so powerful right off the bat?), you don't grow horns, you don't become x2 bigger, etc. In otherwords, you stay what you are, but your quest line changes. To, since the first story line Oblivion Gate you shut is before you get Martin, kill Martin. Than to join the assualt to get the Amulet, join the Mystic Dawn, open more Gates, and to finally, summon Dagon himself into the world. Thats how I see it happening. Only after you completed the summoning would he than reward you with the power of a Dedric Prince (or Princess for the ladies). IE: The reward is to become a Prince, instead of starting out as one.


10: While a nice Idea, I do not think it will be possible.

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Well maybe the growing of horns and other body parts wasn't such a good idea but the whole fallout 3 thing would play out like this:




Your a baby born in a small village called (Modders Choice) right before the cut scene starts or whatever the modder wants to do you choose your race and whatever race you choose your parents are also. So if you choose a khajiit your parents are khajiit as well. So after you choose what you look like and what your name is you wonder around your village but your village has too many strong monsters outside of it so you have to stay inside the village for a while and do mini quests for the family until your strong enough. Lets say right when your born you wait a day or two then you are a small boy and your father gives you chores. Go outside and pick 5 pumpkins and some squash for dinner. After you do so your dad thinks your mature enough for a pocket knife so he provides you with a pocket knife so you can go down to the shore and hunt mud crabs for dinner. After you have killed enough mud crabs you are then ages a bit more making you 12 so then your dad gives you a big task on going and catching a rabbit or a small animal for dinner. Then after that your dad gives you his armor and sword from back when he was a legion army member and you put it on and you are now 18. You go outside the village and kill the goblins and wolfs surrounding it. After this is done your dad tells you that you have a destiny and he was going to tell you when you were 18. After this he tells you to go to a stump near a tree somewhere and find the note. Once you find the note the main quest line starts and the emperor has already died. Basically while all the stuff in the prison cell was happening you were being born in a small village with about 10-20 people in it and they provide you with small quests like harvesting,catching and killing things for them and you get stuff like 2 gold coins and some not so good equips.

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Hm....I see...That will require extremly good scripting o_O


But, still, how would it take in consideration from custom races, such as dremora, golden saints, dark seducers (think I got that name wrong, don't remeber), and other demonic/angelic/undead custom races. Obviously, the dremora, golden saints, and dark seducers are just simple unlocks. They are already in the game. But since they are from Oblivion and such...this new village idea would work for them. So a little more thought would have to be done there.

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2 is mainly currently in Unnecessary Violence by Hex_0ff (a beta release right now), a bit different but closer to what you want than say ambidextre

3 and 6 are both getting animations made for them (not exact, but right now there is a tomo naga (sp?) animation being made and some other martial arts anims by UK47 and Odyesuess) for inclusion in the next version of Unnecessary Violence

Pacific Morrowind

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The thing with something like level requirements on armor is that it makes no realistic sense. Just because one is inexperienced doesn't mean that there are things which they cannot physically wear. They may not be able to support its weight, they may not know how to really use the armor, but they can still wear it. Both of those things are aspects which are already supported by Oblivion's skill system. Super high defensive armor will, however be super high defensive regardless who wears it, just as it is in reality. The practice of using level requirements is more the stuff of MMOs and the like as a means of preventing high level players giving low level players incredibly powerful stuff as a means of making them instantly uber. Although this practice originated in MUDs, as a means of maintaining a balance between the player base, since individual player skill rarely entered into things, but became more common after it became common practice on some of the early MMOs, such as Everquest which saw the potential for someone to wear high-end equipment early on, and thus level much faster, as a threat to their profits since such a person would reach end levels, where content was scarce, much quicker than others, resulting in fewer months of payment. This practice has carried over to other MMOs, like WoW, and gone on to involve even greater safeguards in forcing people to spend several months earning good equipment by means of making most anything worthwhile bound on pickup or equip. Something like this just doesn't make sense in a game like Oblivion, where the only things you can ever get are those things which you either bought or earned yourself. It also doesn't make sense since the only person you would be unfair to would be yourself. If you feel that something is giving you too much advantage, just don't wear it.
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I have used Uneccassary Violence. And even after reading everything three times +, I still couldn't get the dual wield system to work. So someone tell me what I could have been doing wrong. Everything else was just fine, I especially loved killing someone with a pumpkin, that was fun.
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