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Quite a few ideas here...


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Ok.. a few mods that i would be more than happy to make provided i had the time and ability >.< but sadly.. i don't... :wallbash:


But, here's a basic rundown...


1) A tattoo mod, just for that extra bit of customization, and a tattoo parlor of some form. I would think you could accomplish this relatively easily by simply taking some of the face/skin textures and.. well.. if you're handy with GIMP, Photoshop, or anything like that, painting tattoos onto them, saving them under a different file name, then when one enters a tattoo parlor and requests some tattoo, simply have it change the character face/skin texture to the new tattooed texture.


2) Armor and weapon texture improvements. I've seen a few here and there, but I haven't seen a TRUE graphics overhaul in this area, and one would be much appreciated.


3) Nik-naks... yes... nik-naks... what I mean when I say that is, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you can think of to place around the gaming world, or in a town made of your own design. I'm rather sick of the same old 'bent tin can' 'empty whiskey bottle' 'iguana bits' that I see lying around EVERYWHERE! And GO NUTS with this one guys, anything from old televisions, guitars (if playable that would be badass, lol), tires you can pick up and roll around, silverware, dishes (throwable would be HYSTERICAL, think Dead Rising XD), pet carriers, old radios that you can actually pick up, from showerheads to doorknobs... just whatever.. and it doesn't all have to be "equippable" or even be able to put it in your inventory... just stuff to be there for effect, and to pick up (with z) and toss around. Oh, and nice fist-sized rocks would be pretty cool..to throw at people.. just saying. :whistling:


4) For the hardcore gamers out there that really want a challenge, a "simulation" style difficulty would be wonderful. If you get too badly injured, you have to patch yourself up, you have to eat every set amount of time or suffer a slight penalty, more severe limb damage (not only to you, but to the NPCs as well), and make it easy to get crippled.. if a bullet hit's your arm, you're GONNA feel it, but the same goes for those pesky raiders.


5) And finally, vehicles.. a motorcycle's the first thing that comes to mind.. and it would also go well with number 3 if one were required to gather specific items to make some vehicles, and of course it goes without saying that as new ideas arise from the modders out there, more items pertaining to #3 will become available, but it never hurts to jump the gun.


6) Oh, and one i just thought of... what if you could purchase a typewriter and write your own books in game? I know that may sound silly, but to be able to do something like that and perhaps have it "published" throughout the wastelands would be pretty interesting, as well as an alternate source of revenue, I don't know about you guys, but bottle caps aren't easy to come by. And perhaps throw some in-game NPCs in there that will come up and discuss your book with you? Just an idea.


7) Yes, I thought I was done too..but this is the last one I swear! This one's simple...in concept.. carrying out the deed of creating the mod on the other hand... I can imagine would be very difficult. But to put it quite simply... a "Wastelands Comes Alive!" mod, if you know what this references to, then great, for those that don't... imagine settlers camping out in random areas, drunkards wandering through some towns, interactions and relations actually taking place between NPCs, and to understand the reference a little more, look up "Morrowind Comes Alive", it of course would be a great reference to help with this idea.


Ok, for those that read this far, I applaud you, and for those that actually take it upon themselves to even attempt ONE of these ideas, my appreciation is endless. Game design is an art form, and I believe Bethesda realizes this.. that's why the give us these construction kits. If you don't like something, change it. If you want to create something, go for it. But with the tools and talent that I've seen in some of these mods, each of the construction kit games (Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3) has truly LIMITLESS potential.


Thank you for reading, and I can't wait for future mods! :biggrin:

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WTF!? i googled those and didn't get crap! lol.. oh well, thanks for those 2 links XD


Edit: Well, to be more precise I googled "Fallout 3 Vehicles mod" and "Fallout 3 Instruments mod", and there were 1 or 2 results... but none that looked to trustworthy :/

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Search on the Nexus, Google searching is pretty general.
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yeh, I should've figured :/ but the one thing i want most from those mods is the weapon/armor texture update, is there currently one out that covers a multitude of meshes? Because I've only seen retextures on specific items


so you seriously expect people to go through and overhaul every weapon and armor made by Bethesda...


wow... :blink:

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i wouldn't expect it if i thought it couldn't be done.. they did it for morrowind.. why should the expectations be lowered for fallout 3? I'm not asking for tweaking every little detail.. just higher-res textures.. hell, they've got PLENTY of environment texture improvement mods.. why not weps and armor?
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well yes.. i understand that... well, actually, how about this.. a little "calling all modders" here.. those that can, simply update some of the armor/weapons that YOU would like to see updated, then, once there's plenty of them on nexus, would it be relatively simple to compile them into one neat little package?
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a-ha! found a small version of a packet i was hoping for, just look up HRezTextures, it's going towards what i'm looking for, a few more mods like this and i'll be more than satisfied. :) it's not QUITE what i was hoping for mind you, but it's MUCH better than nothing.
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