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A seed for the wastes


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As I have been wandering the wastes, I got to thinking about something. This crystallized as I was wandering through the MPDL-13 Power Station. Why not a mod for the wasteland wanderer when he comes across a groups of settlers around the power station. They would like to build a new settlement and would like your help.


This really was inspired by all th stuff that you accumulate. Me and my buddy Fawks are carrying around a veritable armory and junkstand. Why not put that kind of constant action to use. So as the player wanders, he meets people and mention the settlement. As he scrounges the ruins, may be find items and materials of interest to the settlers. No real need to take things with you, instead just show up from time to time and point them to some good corrugated steal. Things like that.


The culmination of this is after some time, the settlers will want to try and get the power station running again. It is missing something, something is damaged...blah blah blah and the lone wanderer is needed to hook them up.


I do not know if this is possible. Or if any one would like to do it. But I thought I would put it here just to offer it to the community. I love the game and would just love to see that while the wastes are a harsh and nasty place. People are still trying to move forward and pick up the pieces. There is allot of room for improvement. So I hope you enjoy the seed.

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