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Really Weird Bug Plz Help.

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Ok so I downloaded Akatosh mount Castle Almgrad and seaview and a couple others earlier i added them and now my game just bugs in imperial city market district when i enter the district my game is fine but then this guy walks up to me trying to say something or he is just bugging me because right when he touches me my whole game messes up i cant activate things i cant open things talk to people or press Esc i just hear this Vista error message sound getting spammed whenever i press space or esc i already did a conflict report on OBMM already and used BOSS and nothing works i really dont want to uninstall oblivion for the fifth time just because of a couple mods...... so can someone please tell me what the problem is or how to remove this guy from the market district.... :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: Been trying to fix it all day so its really getting on my nerves
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You don't (shouldn't) have to uninstall the game.

Deactivate the mods first. Then activate them one at a time.

When things go south you will know it is the mod you just

installed (activated) causing the problem.

Read the read me's.

Don't install a bunch of mods in one go. You have just found out why.

Play test every mod after you install it before moving on to another.

The game is huge so there is no rush.


While some mods have bugs and conflicts (not all conflicts are actually problematic),

the vast majority of problems are from an incorrect install or bad load order.


When things start getting on your nerves is when simple things get overlooked.

"I don't need to check that - I'm sure it's right."


EDIT: There may be Vista issues. Vista users may want to help with that.

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In terms of Vista, the only issue is if you have UAC (User Account Control) activated and installed Oblivion to the default directory (C:/Program Files/). This can be fixed by either disabling UAC or reinstalling Oblivion to a new directory such as C:/Games.



If that's not the problem, then you just gotta do what BossDweebe said above. Once you find the mod in question you need to do some research. See if it's been reported to be conflicting with another mod you have, see if there's a patch to fix it, if not, decide whether or not you want to keep it. Usually I go the lazy route and just don't use problematic mods.

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