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Ok I'm gonna need some help if I'm gonna get this Mandalorian


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This seems like an eternity of Almost theres. Every time I approach accomplishment another setback, I unistalled everything as it was all old and now when I go to install PyffI it says it cant find Python and the same with nifscripts.




I'm not sure but I think its because I installed 2.6.2 not 2.6

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the blender scripts on sourceforge were the only ones working Quetz. Try the nifskope or max niftools plugins. Everything except blender scripts downloads was broken. (havent checked in the past few hours so they might be all fixed now)


To assign custom textures to assets look for the TextureProperty block, expand it and pick em.


To setup texture paths look in your nifskopes options. there shoiuld be an auto-detect button you can click it should find the right paths.



To import nifs just edit an existing object or actor in GECk of the same type you are importing, then open its edit properties box. Point it towards your new nif file (make sure its somewhere in /Fallout3/data/meshes/yourname/ <-- yourname = your name as a mod-maker. Since everyone and their dog has meshes if you just place them in /meshes/ it will get cluttered very fast.

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the blender scripts on sourceforge were the only ones working Quetz. Try the nifskope or max niftools plugins. Everything except blender scripts downloads was broken. (havent checked in the past few hours so they might be all fixed now)


To assign custom textures to assets look for the TextureProperty block, expand it and pick em.


To setup texture paths look in your nifskopes options. there shoiuld be an auto-detect button you can click it should find the right paths.



To import nifs just edit an existing object or actor in GECk of the same type you are importing, then open its edit properties box. Point it towards your new nif file (make sure its somewhere in /Fallout3/data/meshes/yourname/ <-- yourname = your name as a mod-maker. Since everyone and their dog has meshes if you just place them in /meshes/ it will get cluttered very fast.


Thing is I have nothing in the G.E.C.K. so I assume I have to create a new one? I did and I have no idea what to put in for I.D. so I didn't put anything. Don't see any TextureProperty block in nifskope


It might not have a texture and come out white I dunno, I really am lost on how to give the texture to it, but how do I put it in the game world, its in the G.E.C.K. but how do I place it?

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ok when you first open up the geck you gotta load the data files to do anything. so click File, Data, then check off Fallout3.esm and hit Load.


it will take a while and give a warning you have no active plugins selected, ignore it and just hit ok

Once it loads youll see all the existing fallout 3 stuff.


If you are importing a gun, find a gun of a similar type and edit its properties and there youll find the place where you pick what nif its using. Then save to a new .ESP file that you create and name yourself so you dont overwtrite vanilla stuff.


In Nifskope, set it up so your Details window is showing, then in one of the View menus set it to 'Display in a Tree' instead of 'Display in a List'.


Then look for a sub branch with your object in it, and in ther elook for a sub branch called like BsPPLightingProperty or something, inside that should be a TextureProperty block or something called texturesource, or Texture-anything. It should have a little purple flower you click on which lets you pick textures.

if you see a 6-slot texture pick box, the Color map (diffuse) goes in the first slot, Normal Bump with specular in its alpha goes in the second slot, Glowmaps in the third, etc.

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I gotta tell you, you have been incredibly invaluable, know that when this is finished, you will get credit. you've helped walked me through my first adventure into modding.


Took a minute but I got it now on the textures. so how do I implement it in the game world? Like pick where it will be placed?

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How do I save it separately from that item, so I change the .nifs for the item, then save the esp. the files are in data, and I activate the .esp?




Also is it okay that is save as a TES Plugin Files (*.esp) I don't know if there is a fallout specific .esp

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pick a world location from the cell list, cells are basically like little levels. each containing a part of the world. If you want your object to be placed in the wilderness somewhere, in the dropdown minimenu at the top of the cell list, pick Wilderness (at the bottom of the drop down) then youll see a boatload of wilderness cells listed by coordinates on the world map.


alternatively a safe place to test your stuff is to put it in megaton somewhere. In that same drop down clicky list find 'Megaton world' (since megaton has a world unto itself being composed of many cells). Pick one of them like, Common house (where you wont get shot at for stealing, since if you place something on the ground and pick it up in the doctors office he will attack ya).


To place them just drag and drop it from the object list into your 3d preview window once the cell has loaded up. To navigate its kinda wonky, but just ctrl rightclick drag around, to rotate your view hold shift and move your mouse then let go of shift (thats a silly nav-scheme, but thats how Beth does it *sigh*)


To move your object once its in (cos it will appear floating in the air), click drag it. to move it up and down hold Z while click dragging.


once you make a change to something it adds an Asterisk (*) to it meaning you made a change. Preferably you dont want to change anything except the stuff you add. Less you change the better, less conflicts. If you accidentally move stuff or click things and change them, reload your mod and try again.


Once your new objects are in i would save, make a new data file (ESP) plugin file. Once you go to make changes again and load upt he GECK, enable Fallout3.esm and your own data file .esp. Also make your Data file Active by clicking it then hitting Activate. Then hit Ok and it will load up.


That way you will always be saving to your ESP not the master fallout ESM.


EDIT: Also when you change the nifs for an item, make SURe you "CREATE NEW FORM"! YES!

otherwise you will overwrite the vanilla stuff and thats not good.

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