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Where can I find more of these armor types?


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Where might I find glass equipment like gloves and paldrons and the same for druegh. So far, all I've found is glass breast plate, boots, helmit, and sheild, and druegh sheild, helmit, and breast plate.


Please help. ty

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As Abramul points out there was no more dreugh armour in game and only two weapons. Glass is relatively common. Ghostgate sells or has everything including bracers (no gloves) the only place you can get them in MW.


If you are talking about obtaining stuff free, the shipwreck around Yasammidan ruin has some, much is available as final Fighters Guild quest from Percius Mercius, otherwise you need to fight.


Greaves - Dagoth Ur, Druscashti, Falasmaryon, Tueynulal, Urshilaku burial caves

Pauldron L - Dagoth Ur, Druscashti

Pauldron R - as Pauldron L plus Tureynulal

Towershield - Urshilku burial caves


If you have the Tribunal expansion you can get a full set except Helmet and Shield from Golena Sadri in the the Thief quest. With Bloodmoon there is a set with helmet and shield from Thauravel in Sjobal cave.

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Sorry to highjack the topic but can anyone tell me where to get a full set of daedric i musta spent 40+ hours searching no luck, would really appreciate the help.


Oh and as for dreugh stuff there is a helm and shield in Meldors smithery in balmora, shiled goes for 2250 if memory serves helm is similiar. Oh as for glass stuff just kill a Boyant Armiger they tend to have a suit of it on em, go to Molag mar for Riches and riches!

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That will give you the location of the Daedric armour in Morrowind...there is only one set of pauldrons in the game and somebody is wearing them. Somebody you should not really attack.


I think there might be pauldrons available more freely in the expansions.

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The Dreugh Armor Completion mod by Timpy adds the missing pieces of Dreugh armour and a reasonably tough quest to obtain them. I didn't use the paldrons much on my female character since they looked too big and manly. After getting the armor, I would avoid talking to the original quest-giver. He doesn't have anything more to say and talking to him crashed my game. The mod worked fine otherwise.



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