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Eat Ingredients OBSE Script


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I downloaded a few realism mods and one of them included hunger. My idea is that, by pressing a key while looking at the ingredient you want to eat would make you eat that same ingredient, instead of having to pick it up and go to the inventory to eat it... That way you could actually roleplay setting up the table and putting the ingredients on the dishes and eat them afterwards


The problem is that I have no idea about the script commands, so I was looking for some help here :P After some enlightment I can make the script myself :thumbsup:



(Sorry for the crappy english, I'm a bit tired >_<)

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Depends on how often you're going to use it. (As in places)

You could add a few food items that will be directly eatable using normal scripts.(without OBSE)

As activating will disable it, but crunch-sound will be played and the hunger will be satisfied..


The thing would be to see what those script inside realism-mods use to satisfy the hunger.

The script on the food would be (VERY) simple, its the other mod that could pose a challenge...

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I mostly spend my time on the wild, so I usually camp... But even then I would like to have that function, so I could drop, and put my ingredients inside my cooking pot :3

Well, by adding the script


The thing would be to see what those script inside realism-mods use to satisfy the hunger.

The script on the food would be (VERY) simple, its the other mod that could pose a challenge...


Yes, since I use FCOM, and all those new ingredients coming MMM and COBL and so on make a huge list.

Wouldn't have problems between TI and COBL, since COBL is composed by TI and other things, am I right?

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Hm, I think that using the cooking pot could be quite useful, as it could turn ingredients into others...(with the script)

But simply using a key on and ingredients using OBSE could be fun too. When used with IsIngredient and IsKeyPressed2

Either an item on the player on a quest could provide the base.


Hmm..but what for the activation then?

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1st - Player puts the food in a plate (on top of it... Not like the dinner plate COBL has)

2nd - Activates it, eating it so to speak....


This would be nice on taverns, if you could order a meal and it would spawn on your plate. Or be implemented in house mods with maids. She would cook a receipt and the food would spawn :P I know things might go bad because of Havoc, and the plate must be static, otherwise it would go flying too xD

This way the only thing the player needs to do is activate the food. It's a small thing, but IMO it's a nice addition to RP

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Its all about the scale you want to use it in. Any personal mod could have those options.

Adding it to all taverns makes it more difficult, though far from impossible.


It would be great for a restaurant-mod though.


Hmm.. maybe the plate could be scripted... If any food comes near, it would turn it into other (directly edible) food.

Although a triggerbox placed upon when you say its is fixed that would check it, would be cool too.

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