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What is your current level (no cheating)


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Lessee... I used to have a charrie, Corynn, a Woodelf Silvertounge that I finished the game with, but then discovered I messed up a few faction quests, so I started over, even thought I really loved the chracter and haven't touched that game in awhile because it got a little boring re-doing all this stuff I'd actually done right. Mostly I have memories of being scared of going into Arkengarthand or whatever it is, thinking vampires or centurions were going to get me.


Right now I play Khassi, a Dunmer Stealthmystic. It's a custom class with a lot of race bonuses geared skills, like most custom classes, I'd assume, and a few of my fave skills, like Destruction and Acrobatics (jumping everywhere is fun!). Right now she's only at level two because I put off sleeping for some reason. Probably because I still remember those ash zombie attacks from the Corynn game. I hated those. Amd because I messed up the class a little so I used a console cheat to try and fix things, then lost all my money training up the misc skills and so forth that I'd ment to be major or minor ones. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure she'd be about level eight... but I'm still not sure.


I've been playing... uh, for a while... Since last summer, I think, when I finally bought a video card. It was Morrowind that really kinda got me into RPGs, before this I'm not sure what I did. I have to thank the friend that introduced me to this for that :D!

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I have been playin for 6 months, and my two latest chars are lvl 28 and lvl 43. The lvl 28 has glass bracers and pauldrons, the King's Cuirass(??can't remember name??), Glass greaves and boots, and a daedric longbow with silver arrows. My lvl 43 has the Cuirass of the Savior's Hide, her gauntlets, and glass pauldrons, Jade shield(enchanted glass tower shield), glass boots, daedric greaves, necro's amulet, Jade and exquisite rings(both enchanted with 24 strength constant effect). my main skills for the lvl 28 is long blade, blunt weapon, long bow, heavy and light armor, mysticism, security, alchemy, and sneak. :ph34r:
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had more characters than i can count...

I originally had an argonian male who was a fighting type of some shape or form and had some magick abilities then i reached level 74 and got so unbeleivably bored with the power... (im not joking, i swear i deleted him out of boredom!)

Im starting again with a normal character with no cheating and a powerplay character...well see how this develops!

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  • 1 month later...
Im a level 11 dark elf, I've just got morrowind and have been playing for 3 weeks on and off. I have a 2 full sets of glass armor, 1 whole set of dark brotherhood armor. Im a lawman of house televanni (close to mouth) i'm expelled from the mages guild lol um...padfoot? in thieves guild. I own Nerano manor.
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I am a lvl 55 nord, I have 700+ days ingame, I have been playing for 6 months, and my carry capacity is 4700 pounds (dead serious the trick is under xbox tricks in spoilers), I have 100 on most attribiutes and some skills, haven't beaten any main quests, but I am factor of Raven Rock, Master Thief, and Head of House Hlaalu
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  • 3 months later...
Right now i have a level 68 Redguard Knight. I have been playing with him off and on for about 3 years now. I don't play Morrowind nearly as much as i used to however as i now have Oblivion.
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