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Missing containers meshes


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Ok, i'll explain my problem.


I recently formatted and re-installed Oblivion. I wanted to try FCOM-Convergence, so i downloaded all what is needed and followed step by step the installation guide on the website.


However, i'm stuck with the usual "Yellow exclamation mark" problem. More precisely, it seems that the game lacks all the chests, barrels, and harvestable "things" in general (for example, the roast rat the goblin is cooking in the starting dungeon) and in their place there is, in fact, that yellow mark.


Now, i know that problem is caused by missing meshes so i tried to re-apply all the mods that modified meshes/texture. Of course, with no avail.

I tried also the BSA-modification option using OBMM, again with no avail.


Honestly, i do not know where i messed up. I'm pretty sure i followed the installation guide perfectly, and got all the right files explained there.


Any ideas?




Thanks in advance

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I had a similar problem when I installed Harvest Flora, and Harvest Containers.

Turned out that I had forgot to copy the bsa that came with them.


I had yellow marks for containers, and everything harvestable. Similar to what you are explaining.


So if you have either of these mods, that may be the problem.

If not, I'm not sure what it could be.

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