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broken steel broke rivit city/jefferson memorial...


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Ive beaten the game, as in got to broken steel.


Never had any problems, crashes or whatnot before broken steel, i went savely into rivit city and jeferson's memorial without crashes.


But after broken steel, i cant get close to the rivit city region or jefferson memorial. I'm asuming it has something to do with the whole water thing.


First time i fast traveld to the memorial i had no problem but as soon as i got close to the door 1feet orso, the game crashed, i could go in the clenched water but not to close to the pipes that put out clean water.


This is all on the official patches i run everything on the highest possible settings,


I reinstalld the game and tried it with the fake patch remap water etc. etc.


But still get the same...


Ive looked all over nexus/google etc. but cant seem to find a fix.

That or im to blind to find one.


So if someone know's how to fix this please tell me id apreciate it.


Greetings Hirooshii.

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fake patch is bunk



why bother




VATS at long distance


let's you shoot grenades



I think that or it's patch 1.5




I use 1.5 plus FO3edit's master update


You can also use 1.6 with master update


or just use 1.6



I'd go with the master update, so nice





You're max settings are silly


you can turn most of it halfway down an not even notice even a little bit





Use FOMM an FOSE an GECK, an FO3edit



Launch the default fallout3.exe launcher


go to settings turn off antialiasing and anisotropic filtering





open your grapix cards user interface


Override any application setting for antialiasing and anisotropic filtering


Forcing your normal setting via the Grapix card interface


8X SLI is sweet, I kind of wana try 16XQ SLI


doesn't matter though, maybe 4 for AF


using this you don't even need texture packs for the ground or

buildings, it just slows down the play



I wouldn't normally do this but here's the settings I've changed to in the grapics card


4x AF 8xSLI AA, AA transparency off,

conformant texture clamp-Use OpenGL specification

Extension limit-off

Force mipmaps-none/off

Max pre rendered frames-3

Single display


Texture filtering-Anisotropic sample op-on

Texture filtering-Negative LOD bias- CLAMP

Texture filtering-quality-Performancee

Texture filtering-Trilinear Op- On

Tripple buffering- On

Vertical sync-Use the 3D application setting (might work better to force it an turn off Fallouts)



The master update stuff is simple



you know you should have fallout 3 installed in it's own folder


not C:/programfiles/bethesdasoftworks





Even better is







once you get FO3edit installed


find the FO3edit.exe


right click, create a short cut


right click the shortcut, propertys


see the target line


you wana add -masterupdate


there's a space after the ""


so it's something like "C:/bethesdasoftworks/FO3edit.exe" -masterupdate


The short cut is now your master update abillity


each time you change the load order or install new mods whatever


you have to run master update



launch the short cut, watch it do it's thing

if there is a error the process stops

where you have 3 options


1.delete the mod that caused the error


2. contact the author, ask them to fix it


3. open the mod that caused the error with GECK

With it set to active, it should prompt to autofix

which you say yes, then save it, then open the task

manager after you close GECK because it froze an

end the process



repeat until you don't get a error

which it will say finished, an you hit X to finalize the process

And only have to run it again if you add mods or take them away





Can't think of anything else right now...



Short of deleting those wack DLC's



yeah they are cool


but I mean just plain fallout3 is hard to run mods on


yall are just throwing a gear in the wrenchs for spite...

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