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distantlod files


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hey lately i been downloading a bunch of files for oblivion normally castles and large houses and they all seem to come with a folder called distantlod and i have no idea what to do with it to make they plugins/ mods work is it a special app that allows extraction so it works or does it simpily go into a special folder for the mods to work or is it something completly diffrent so yeah thanks for your help :P
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Just put in the Data folder like everything else. they should be in a folder called DistantLOD.


What it is, is a file that let's you see the landscape beyond the cell that you are in.

For example, if you are near Bruma and look south (if you have distantLOD turned on in graphic options)

You will see the Imperial City in the distance.


If DistantLOD files come with a mod, then that means that you can see what ever the mod adds, from a distance.

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