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Power Armor for Super Mutants!


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I know of a mod that gives Dogmeat clothing and radiation suits, so I have been wandering for a while, since so many mods for power armors and people creating all sorts of Creatures like The Rabbit made by Cakster...


I am asking, is anyone considering, planning Or even creating a mod that gives Fawkes, Uncle Leo or any of the Muties in the wasteland (Broken Steel Overlord could have one too) making a power Armor? You can add things to creatures such as the Enclave Deathclaw mind control device for Deathclaws...hell If I was a Enclave Scientist, I add some sort of Armour to the Deathclaw e.g Steel plated razor tiped Claws and flexable Chainmail like armour so that the Deathclaw could move with ease and agility aswell as enhanced protection.


Anyone like the idea of this? Its a challenge and I know Modders like a challenge.

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Muties in power armor? Now that sounds like a challenge in the wasteland. Hmm...Maybe Behemots could have it too?
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If someone would like to take a crack at it then yes why not? Hell maybe a Centaur too? They are another type of Supermutant as they are human in origin.
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