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Any Mods for the Gamepad players?


What do you use? Mouse or Gamepad?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you use? Mouse or Gamepad?

    • Keyboard & Mouse
    • Xbox 360 Gamepad
    • other Gamepad with software Xbox emulation

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I have looked over a few Mods now that aim to increase the Accuracy in Fallout 3.

Most of them are done with Keyboard and Mouse in mind.

Mostly just shutting off auto aim which is not the best idea if you play with Gamepad (but doesnt hurt either), but this kind usually works fine with Gamepads because it has nothing directly to do with the Input Device.


One Mod makes the Scope of the Snipers Zoomable per Mousewheel. [you could use the default left analouge Trigger for that]



Another one turns down the Mouseaccuracy to the lowest Setting while the Sniperscope is active.



Those 2 would be very usefull additions for the Gamepad but will not work because the Creators do not use/own Gamepads and therefore feel no need to make it working and/or can not because they can't Test it etc.



I was just wondering if there are any mods that actually try to increase the accuracy for the Gamepads instead of Keyboard&Mouse?

And how much users are there anyway using the Gamepad? -> POLL


A few years ago Shooter + Gamepad was a complete No-Go for PC gaming, but since Games for Windows Live entered the Stage i am not so sure about that anymore.

FO3 is more of an RPG anyway (with VATS and Auto Aiming... this is not a *Boom Headshot* Game like Counter Strike ;P ).




I can't tell you why i use the gamepad, i guess i am just used to it since i started playing Xbox 360 a Year ago and now most Games feel strange without it.

Most Games are Multiplatform (like Fallout 3) and are designed to work well with the Gamepad. Thanks to "Games for Windows" most Games support the Gamepad without even the need to go into the Options ...sometimes the Mouse lags while Vsync is Active (god i hate tearing) or it just feels wrong somehow.

I allways seem to end up playing with the Gamepad lately, all the Games i played with Mouse in the last time (FEAR2, Sacred 2) just had no support for it so there was no choice.


Onlinegames are still Mouse&Keyboard only, but then there were no good, fast & precise Online Games since Unreal Tournament 2004. At least none that i liked.

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Your poll is confusing, because your thread title asks 'any mods for the gamepad?' and the poll title is 'mouse or gamepad?'


i had to meticulously read your thread before i got the proper poll question which is 'which of the following do you use?'



just a heads up to explain why people might not be voting in your poll, cos the way its presented is a bit misleading.

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I stick to the mouse when playing on the computer, feels very odd to use an Gamepad with the computer, I don't quite know why.


Indeed it isn't too many mods fitted for those with Gamepads. But you can always learn, if you

don't already know how, how to modify an mod to fit for use of Gamepad if you can't get someone to do it for you.

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For example i dont like it when turning arround takes as long as it does, so i set "mouse sensitivity" to 3 or even more (also effects the turning speed of the gamepad) now i can turn faster but the trade in is that the aiming isn't as precise anymore. (you start using VATS more often)

In addition to that there is a rather big Dead Zone and as soon as you are out of it, it moves so fast that you turn like 10 pixels more as you wanted by the smallest&shortest touch you could possibly do...


Picking up items on the ground sometimes is just a pain in the a**. (even the distance is a little low where you can pick up items).

If i want to pick up items on a [empty] desk it often happens that i open the desk instead, sometimes 3 time in a row.

While using the Sniper Scope it gets harder to aim at the enemy the more you increase the turning speed so it would be perfect if the mentioned mod above would work.


So either you stick with SLOW turnspeed or with decreasing acuracy.


Those are very subtile points but i think there is enough room for improvement to do something about it.


If i had any clue how to mod myself i would try, but for now i am happy enough that i understand how to merge .esp files and to be able to fiddle arround with the existing mods a little.

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