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Please help! I'm unsure of how to go about it.


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I read somewhere that you can exchange the head meshes for non-human race (for example:

Dremora, Orc, etc.) and was wanting to try it. So I decided to try it on my playable Dremora race

after seeing screenshots of a rather gorgeous Dremora.


If my memory serves me right, all you had to do was copy the human head .egt file and rename it to match whatever race whose head you were replacing. In my meshes folder in oblivion's data folder, there was no dremora mesh folder to be found! (Nor were many of the other races like Orc, and Argonian was only in there due to some new mesh from one of the mods I had installed at some point.) So if anyone could tell me how I can do this please let me know! If it helps, I believe the Dremora race is part of the Beautiful People mod.


If possible I'd like to try this on the Dremora, Orc and Argonian races.


Running the GOTY Oblivion.


Here is a list of the mods I am using at the moment:


Beautiful People (obviously... o.o;;;)

Ren's Beauty Pack Full

Exnem's Eyecandy Body replacer(nude)

HG Eyecandy body

KT Custom Race fix

DesuChan's Kawa-Khajiit race

The currents versions of the Unoffical Oblivion and Shivering Isles patches

The Mountain Tower

The Bravil Sea Domes

The Cheydinhal Petshop

GetUp anim replacer

MD Natural Faces

Operation Optimization

an Idle pose replacer ( I can't remember which one... -_-)

The Armamentarium

The CM Partners basic mod (and the addons that were available)

The Armory Lab Mod

The Stock Armor/Clothing for Exnems mod

The Beautiful Women and related mods

SPB Belt Girl Mod

Apachii's Goddess Store mod

Ice Elf Race mod

Companionship ring mod

Body seam reducer (i think the read me for this is where i found out about the mesh replacing)

Improved facial textures

and a few more that i still have to track down, but i believe i've listed all the ones that add races.



Your help is greatly appreciated!!!

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I'm also interested in this. I've been wanting to replace some of the NPC races. For example, I want to switch out the imperials race visuals with the dremora race visuals. Is this as simple as replacing the mesh imperial files with dremora files? I think I did read some where that it was hard to change the face of main NPCs. Is this true for all NPCs? I don't want to just change companions and my main character. I want to replace an entire race in the game with a different one visually.
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