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Game of Thrones Swords?


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Hey guys.


I was just wondering if it would be possible to impliment some of the Valayrian Steel / named Swords of Game of Thrones into Skyrim?


So for example:


Ice - Would be a GreatSword that maybe deals Ice Damage and has a better % to decapitate

Hearteater - Although not magic, could maybe suck health from opponents or something unique

Lightbringer - Could deal damage to undead, possess fire damage, give off light in dark dungeons


Then you have Longclaw, Heartsbane, the dagger used in the assassination attempt on Bran etc.


I was thinking you could interspace them throughout the Jarls and Keeps of Skyrim as the Highest grade skyforged blades with built in magic effects (so no adding spells to them)


You could even be really clever and make Ice turn into Two Swords Oathkeeper/ Widows Wail like in the books if you have it melted down at a forge. Or swords that are lost in book like Lannister Brightroar could be in a deep dungeon with trolls or other high level creatures in a random generated part of the map so you have to search for them.


However where I kind of become stuck with the idea was, I don't think you should be able to get them easily, you should have to do some difficult quests for them and thats probably loads of work, along with actually making them lol.


Anyways, it was just an idea I wanted to throw out there for a potential mod.


Anyone else agree it would be cool, or have ideas for it?






Above is Dagger Catspaw




That's Aria with Needle




Ned Stark with Ice




An interpretation of Brightroar




Interpretation of Lightbringer





Although sort of just a sword enchanted with fire, you could do a sword of r'hllor that does fire damage and other effects.




There are plenty of others aswell

Edited by DAC20
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