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Bipedal Sentry Bots?


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This is what I hope would be a fairly simple request, yet it requires some 3d model magic-ry that I don't possess.


See, I don't like the Sentry Bot's three wheels. Not at all.


So I was wondering if its tripod legs could be replaced with scaled down versions of Liberty Prime's legs?


All I need is a mesh to use. I could get it in-game. And if people don't want to do it, could someone tell me how I could? I have nifscope, but I find it confusing.

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open up liberty primes nif and the tripod bots nif in your 3d program.


delete the upper half of the liberty prime, delete the lower half of the robo. Make liberty primes legs smaller to match robos scale


Stick em together.

Merge them as 1 mesh. export!


Use the Tripod robo nif in nifskope as a template and paste your new nitristrips data over top of the existing stuff.

Save and check out in game.


You may have to delete some redundant stuff since maybe the tripod robo has rolling balls on its legs or somethign i cant recall...

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Thanks Skree! Except I don't have a 3d program that works I think.


I dled Blender a while ago cuz it was free, but it wont open the nif files. I'll try again today, though.



EDIT: Blender scares and confuses me. It refuses to open OBJ files. I don't know why. I already have two obj files, one of the sentry bot without legs, and one of Liberty Prime's legs. Why can't I just attach the two? Why must this be so difficult?

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open up liberty primes nif and the tripod bots nif in your 3d program.


delete the upper half of the liberty prime, delete the lower half of the robo. Make liberty primes legs smaller to match robos scale


Stick em together.

Merge them as 1 mesh. export!


I'm quite certain that such an operation would:

-Cause both the GECK and the game itself to crash

-Do something even more bizarre


As far as I know prime and sentrybot have different skeletons, which will cause a lot of problems, especially with simple copypasting. Even if it wouldn't instantly cause a crash it would probably look totally messed up and it certainly wouldn't be able to walk around on those legs. What you need is a new skeleton and a full set of new animations, not something you can conjure up with copypasting. :rolleyes:

If you only need a static model you can copypaste, delete the bones and add collision if needed... No problem there.

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Could the legs use different animations not normally associated with the torso, though? I think Nifscope has an attach kf file. I don't know what that means, but I think it means that body part can be associated with a certain animation?


Also, a static model would be fine, because then it could be released as a modder's resource. Someone else could shoehorn sentry bot torso/arm animations onto it alongside liberty prime walking ones.

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Could the legs use different animations not normally associated with the torso, though? I think Nifscope has an attach kf file. I don't know what that means, but I think it means that body part can be associated with a certain animation?


Also, a static model would be fine, because then it could be released as a modder's resource. Someone else could shoehorn sentry bot torso/arm animations onto it alongside liberty prime walking ones.


I don't know about nifskope's capabilities, nor do I know much about animation but I know this: The game uses .kf files for animations, each creature has a separate skeleton model which acts like... a skeleton. The kf animates the skeleton which in turn attaches to the creature model and makes it move. If the nodes of the creature model don't match the skeleton bad things WILL happen. And if the model itself has problems even worse things will happen. If someone wants to copypaste prime and sentrybot together it shouldn't be a problem, but finding someone to make the skeleton and the animations is not as easy. :no:

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