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A selector to aim normal or with scope (first and third person)


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In GECK is easy to convert a scoped weapon in normal aiming by deselecting the check box "Has Scope" so I use the sniper rifle as the hunter rifle (it is useful in some situation but mainly because I love 3rd person camera). The problem is that I lost the scope.


I managed a kind a solution by duplicating the weapon and changing the weight to 1 and inventory icon to a single scope, so in inventory I have two weapons, but the scoped looks like a single scope, so when I change the weapon it acts as the attaching a scope.


I prefer a more elegant solution like a key to change the view. I can do the mod if someone tells me where to start.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been looking deeply about mods but found nothing, so I am willing to mod it myself but I don’t know where to start.


I need an answer at least about if this is possible, and if it is, what is the best way to start (which mod or script do some similar to have some point of start).

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I made a simple mod to demonstrate how I get this to work in my own mod. I picked this idea up from other modders over the years so most of this credit goes to other people smarter than me. :smile:

You can use the GECK or FO3Edit to view what I did and ask questions as needed here or via PM or the mods discussion thread. If viewing with the GECK you can see my work has the prefix of MERC.

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Perfect, I copied your script with few changes and works like a charm in my mod, haha! endorsed and kudos for you!


Now, this is a beginning because I want to do exactly the same but without open the inventory, I am ok by duplicating the weapon in the ESP, the only thing is that I want only one model in my inventory (like your mod do), being able to change the view with the same weapon between (by pressing a key for example). I will investigate by modifying your script but if you have any idea please tellme.



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Testing more deeply, the script works fine until the weapon condition reaches 0, then, if you switch scoped/iron both weapons turns 100% healthy again. I think it would be possible to fix this bug by adding to the script a condition somewhere, but I can't figure out right now.

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  • 1 month later...

you have to make different versions of the item and when you press abutton your weapon gets unequipped removed and replaced added reequipped...there is no other way doing it faster than that.

i recommend using workbench type conversions to change weapons from scoped to non scoped simply remove the scope or add it. thats it. most elegant solution.

another way may be to use repair menu with another item have some trickly logic there whenever repair menu is used a new item appears is added etc might be too complicated.

Edited by africaisstarving
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