charliech4n Posted July 23, 2009 Share Posted July 23, 2009 Okay,usually i understand how to install mods,even more complex ones(FCOM etc...),but i just cant seem to get this one out...Okay i've been reading trough FOIP and it seems there is no way to get all of the above(topic name)installed at the same time?or is there? the read me puts it like this: Very simply, use *** ONE *** of the following plugins depending on the mods you are using: MMMF3 + FOOK -- Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK.espMMMF3 + XFO -- Mart's Mutant Mod - XFO.espMMMF3 + XFO + FOOK -- Mart's Mutant Mod - XFO + FOOK.espMMMF3 + FWE -- Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE.espMMMF3 + FWE + FOOK -- Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE + FOOK.espMMMF3 + CFW -- Mart's Mutant Mod - CFW.espMMMF3 + CFW + FWE -- Mart's Mutant Mod - CFW + FWE.esp i can only use one of the above but if i use the MMM,CFW,FWE i cant use XFO or FOOK...uf u zse MMM,FWE,FOOK i cnat use xfo or CFW...Seriously i dont get it?Is it a complete compactibility patch or not...Could someone explain and tell me how to install all of the Overhaul addons?Thanks,much appreaciated :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mechine Posted July 24, 2009 Share Posted July 24, 2009 Yeah sure XFO, FWE, WMK Suck FTW! What's WFK? Naw I'm sure XFO, FWE are pretty good, and WMK is good, the meshes are kind of messy in nifscopebut I mean the pot of gold for WMK is the loot list stuff, an workbench, WMK needs a serious update though.In the end it's vanilla weapons, and you can only polish a turd so much before it turns into Paris Hilton. Well You could concider that most of the stuff in XFO an FWE you can get in small mods that are more easy to work withor at least in terms of avoiding crashes. Gosh how lucky are you, the mods that you like the best an want the worst, are also the worse case senario for conflicts.You should just go ahead an get all the DLC's while you are at it, as they are flamed across the net for crashingI figure if you use FOOK,FWE,XFO,WMK, and WFK whatever the H*** it is, it will turn out to be such a crash causing nightmarethat you will have no choice but you start making really complex mods because you're so used to getting screwed. Idk you lose a lot making mods, it's tough Anyhowz, What I would do but then I don't use XFO or FWE or WMK which are all gay pretty much (just a opinon) an don't use any DLC's for the same reasons, conflicts, all of this stuff. I would download MMM's compatibilty patch at least for the FOOKwhich I would normaly say FOOK but I think maybe MMM might have been updated since FOOK an since FOOK is working on 2.0 rather than 1. 6, but if FOOK did update recently I would use the compatibily patch in the updated 1.6 After that It looks like you would put these after MMM's main .esp then the optional MMM esp after the patches I would put MMM.espMMMF3 + CFW -- Mart's Mutant ModMMMF3 + XFO -- Mart's Mutant ModMMMF3 + FWE + FOOK -- Mart's Mutant Modincreased spawns.espZonesrespawn.espnogeckos.espand so on Don't forget to put MMM last in the order, with any weather mods right before MMM Also I'd either run the game patch 1.5 and use FO3edit's master updateor 1.6 an FO3edit's master update. Don't forget to wait 4 days inside a building You should also load FOOK right after the ESM's unless there is another mod that needs to be right after ESM from it's read me. I also wouldn't auto install anything And I'd contact the people that made these mods in question, in order to get a better answer. But then I wouldn't use this crap to start with, If it didn't conflict yeah I'd be all over itbut it does, so what do you want to argue about Maybe next time I reinstall the game I'll work these fancy mods in. In my case I just picked two FOOK 1.6 an then MMM3 I did have to use a Compatibility patch for real injurys though Gook luck... Fallout3.esmCRAFT.esmCALIBR.esmFOOK.esmRI_Core.esmSharing and Caring Companions.esmMart's Mutant Mod.esmEnhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esmScenic_Loading_Background.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch.espFOOK.espFOOK - Tougher Enemies.espFOOK - Owned!.espFOOK - Free Play After MQ.espFOOK - Strength Requirements for Miniguns, Gatlings, 20mm Flak.espFOOK - Additional Power Armor Training.espFOOK-ReducedFireDuration.espRI_Base3.espRI_CrippledEffects.espRI_DoctorCost.espRI_PNeeds2S.espRI_Alcohol.espRI_FOSE.espRI_LootTableRI.espRI_LootTablePN.espCRAFT - Activation Perk.espStealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.espCALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT.espFOOK Weapons - CRAFT.espCRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esptbase.espPrimary essential.espSecondary essential.espButch essential.espEssential death time 60 secondes.espUber Dogmeat.espUltra Olney.espNailedToDeath.espGPs Oasis - Clean Water 1.1.espMTC MoreGuardsInBigTown.espcollectionagent_improved.espMore Merchant Caps.espreal deputy weld V0.2.espFallout 3 Girls Redone.espBetterButler.espPotw V0.6.espFollowMe.espFollowersRelax.espSammy The Singing Robot.espRivet_city_security.espNot alone in the Wasteland anymore.espCaravanUpgrades.espNPCs Sleep Tighter.esproyphilipsveryevilwmask.espHeights.espMoreMapMarkers.espGoreMod.espOasisStorage.espMegaton Tweaks 1.28.espWater_Tower_Hideout_byOrophin.espRecieveTenpennySuite.espForge.espFireLightFix.espQuantumPipeV2.espTheManBehindTheCurtain.espGalaxyNewsRadioFix.espVault-Tec Experimental Dimensional Safe.espamjygold bars.espUsableCigarettes.espAfrosNukaCola.espIceColdWater.espMRE.espFalloutFood.espHAZdrugs.espInebriation-FOSE.espAD-BAND MOD.espPretenderMask.espskeleton_Mask.espScubaTank.espNippyClothing.espZumbsDarkerSunglasses_no_replace.espLuckySpecs.espAviators.espArynnsSexyLeatherdress_EV.espBPV.espneocap.espPop Culture shirts.espfu_outfits.espSCC Armor.espREJillOutfit.espDaves Special Gift.espDoctorOfTheWastesBeta1.05.espCybernetic Implants Xangi.espRestoreLife.espF3UmpaAnimation.espThe Groovatron.espExplosive Entry.espDK_BulletTime.espT_R_A_S_C_H.espBottle That Water.espMagic Fingers Perk.espDree Perks.espMelee-UnarmedPACKeng.espKaBOOM.espLessBouncyGrenades.espLaserSword.espJQ-DuncanSword.espWieldableTorches.espModern weapons.espHZ_Glock.espSunGlassesFX.espTL_Color.espMaxLevel100.espVATS - MCE.espVatsLongerDistance.espPrecision_AutoAim_6000.espHZ_MoreShells_Extreme.espno blur on hit.espExtreemeLongDeathCamera.espVanity Camera Mod.espRivens_Eyescapes.espUltra pip-boy light.espFullAutoPistolsV20test.espWasteland Weather Overhaul .9.espFellout-Full.espEnhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.espEnhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain Plugin.espMart's Mutant Mod.espRI_PNMMM.espMart's Mutant Mod - FOOK.espMart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.espMart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.espMart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.espMart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.espMart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Geckos.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.espMart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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