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CTD on startup


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It keeps crashing to the desktop when I hit start on the launcher menu. I uninstall the game then reinstall it. I moved all my mods away. I put GFWL and Fallout on exception list on my firewall.
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Where is the info, like your mod load order an system info?












I'm just kidding around.




Geez if anything I would block Fallout an GFWL from internet access

who need internet when you are in game...




Download FOMM (fallout mod manager)


Install FOMM (yay cookies for everybody)



Download FOSE (falout script extender)


Install FOSE (lookie FOMM runs FOSE an FOSE turns GFWL off an other stuff)



Download FO3edit (Woop Woop)


Install FO3edit (Who let the dogs out)


Download GECK (eeaaaak)


Install GECK (yay)



Install Fallout 3 into it's own folder on the hard drive


Like C:/bethesdasoftware\fallout3\data\I really should have stopped at bethesda softworks


Don't install it to the desktop or to program files, infact clear your desktop off, only the minimum stuff

no background no screensaver, Make sure your bethesda folder isn't set to read only for some idiot reason


Download pooptons of mods


Install poopton of mods



Spend the next 4 hours making a load order that is correct

right click the FOMM list an copy to clipboard an paste it here to help



Got the load order, launch FOMM

Toggle archive invalidation on (only have to do it once)

Launch the game.

Great it worked, exit the game...


Find the FO3edit.exe, has to be the .exe


right click it, create a shortcut


right click the shortcut, then propertys

see the target line


you want to add -masterupdate to the target line,

it has a space after the "" or won't work so it looks like

"C:/bethesdasoftpoop/FO3edit.exe" -masterupdate

apply save whatever, then run the short cut

for all future references this is your master update launcher

then FO3edit.exe is the launcher to do normal FO3edit stuff


When you run the automated FO3edit master update


information is displayed, an if there is a error the program stops


at which point you have three options


1. delete the mod that caused the error, adjust the load order afterwards.


2. contact the author of that mod to ask them to fix it.


3. open that mod in GECK with it set to active, GECK should prompt to auto fix

where you select yes auto fix then save, not save as, then close GECK

use the task manager to end the GECK's process, it freezes.


Now run FO3edit master update again an repeat the process until it finishes without error

at which point you click X to finalize the process.



From now on if you change the load order or add mods in or take mods out

you must master update again.



Launch the game an enjoy crash free raider sex games.




just kidding


it's not that easy






Tweek the poop out of your ingame settings, your fallout3.exe default launcher settings, your fallout.ini notepad options files.


The default game launcher is only used for game settings from this point.



Also when you install mods or anything, never do the auto install

install manually if you are able to

it's cleaner

and you can view what's in the data folder to make sure it doesn't conflict

or replace things you don't want to replace, and decide if you can use it.


You want to avoid mods that do the same thing, or mod the same thing

but some of it will work together, use at your own risk.



Turn off the Antialiasing and anisotropic filtering in the Fallout.exe default launcher

use your grapix card settings to force/override any application setting, and set it to

what you would normally use. 8X SLI Antialiasing is pretty sweet, I'm tempted to use 16xQ SLI though


Windows Xp you don't have to tweek so much, Vista you have to tweek mad crazy just to get it to work



DLC's makes things harder for you, but it's not impossible...


Watch for outdated versions of mods


Defrag the old hard drive


Empty the temp internet files,

delete cookies every so often



there was some other stuff I can't remember though


Just read the pinned threads it helps a lot more than I can



Good luckz

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Idk man



You could check into Steam version users



I think maybe it's not something particular to that though.



I mean it's all the same stuff.



I know pretty much everybody installs fallout outside of program files


in it's own folder.


Then put shortcuts to where you wana go on the desktop.




Nobody really uses the default launcher, I mean we use it to change settings,


That's about it. Use FOMM to launch it or FOMM to launch FOSE

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Idk man



You could check into Steam version users



I think maybe it's not something particular to that though.



I mean it's all the same stuff.



I know pretty much everybody installs fallout outside of program files


in it's own folder.


Then put shortcuts to where you wana go on the desktop.




Nobody really uses the default launcher, I mean we use it to change settings,


That's about it. Use FOMM to launch it or FOMM to launch FOSE

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Crash to desktop at the load screen or even before the load screen is a bunked mod load order.




You didn't post a load order or even about mods you had if any.





I use FOMM, so all I have to do is right click the load order an copy it to clipboard an then paste it here.



But FOMM has many great uses besides this tiny part.

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I figure it out and got to work.


Solution (for XP, don't know about vista or 7):


I went to C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\My Games\Fallout3, then I delete everything in that folder. Then I start the game up again.

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I only load Fallout.esm. Then afterwards I was find, thought I did had a mod CTD problem in which, I simple delete all the mod files. Then redownload the files.
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