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BulletFalloffCurve wth?


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I found a file called BulletFalloffCurve, but I have no idea if it's responsible for bullet drop or not. Can someone explain to me how it works?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<object hash="256A1FF9">
  <field name="disLibItemId" type="Id64">7681052108268</field>
  <field name="Name" type="String">ShootingSystem/BulletFalloffCurve</field>
  <object name="Entity">
    <field name="hidName" type="String">Curves:ShootingSystem/BulletFalloffCurve</field>
    <field name="disEntityId" type="Int64">167</field>
    <field name="text_hidEntityClass" type="String">CCurve</field>
    <field name="hidEntityClass" type="Hash32">68745CCF</field>
    <object name="curveCurve">
      <field name="hidNumKnots" type="Int32">2</field>
      <field name="hidAllowedTypes" type="Int32">7</field>
      <object name="Knots">
        <object name="Knot">
          <field name="Value" type="Vector4">0,1,0.999999,0</field>
          <field name="Info" type="Vector4">6.2832,1,0,0</field>
          <field name="Type" type="Int32">0</field>
        <object name="Knot">
          <field name="Value" type="Vector4">1,0,-0.999999,0</field>
          <field name="Info" type="Vector4">6.2832,1,0,0</field>
          <field name="Type" type="Int32">0</field>

All I want to do is see if I can add some bullet drop.

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