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GECK HELP: Exporting, or Copy/Pasting Selected Fields to text


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I am trying to update the Melee Hotkey mod so that it is compatible with all of the melee weapons from mods that I have.

I opened the MeleeHotkey.esm and found the FormID List which is basically the list of all of the weapons the mod is compatible with. The information I need to add to make a weapon compatible seems to be Editor ID, Name, FormID.

So I opened up the first mod I wanted to make compatible in GECK: project weaponry. Conveniently the MOD's author has all of the melee weapons separated by class!

I'm thinking this will be a simple copy paste job from GECK into a text file, or spreadsheet. So I select all of the melee weapons in GECK and I find there is no copy/paste function, and I can't figure out how to only export the selected information as a text file. Is this possible?

Can anyone help me?

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