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Quest concept. (use it if you like)


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First off it would be nice that if someone does use this that they mention me, nothing much just a polite thing to do.


Okay here is the basics. (SPOILER ALERT!!!! if you have not been to vault 106 DON'T READ)





I always thought it sucked that vault 106 had people left alive.. but you have to kill them cause they got crazy gassed.

How about a quest to.. umm... fix them... you know like find a valve or something to gas them with and antidote.


Then they will come to there senses and thank you, start fixing up the vault and what ever else you modders want them to do.


That's the basic concept, use it if you like.

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Well my idea can't always fit in with EVERY ONES ideas... such a shame.


But there IS other modders out there so maybe someone will like this and give it a try ^^.

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Well my idea can't always fit in with EVERY ONES ideas... such a shame.


But there IS other modders out there so maybe someone will like this and give it a try ^^.



So...essentially you would just want to knock them out, restore them to a normal level of behavior, and than...what? Insert dialogue option here? Seems like an extremely linear concept to add text lines to non-unique characters, no offense. Maybe think of something different to do with the vault. Again, not my choice, just voicing an opinion.

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well like i said, i'm just providing basic frame for a quest... not a fully planed one...


Also did anyone else feel the heat from the walking ball of FLAME that rolled through???? :biggrin: i'm just yanking your chain LOL!!

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