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Battle Moon Wars


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For those of you who like turn-based, tactical strategy RPG games (like Super Robot Wars), here's an interesting one. As the name suggests, Battle Moon Wars features characters from several Type-Moon works fighting against and with each other. It includes Type-Moon works such as: Tsukihime, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, Kagetsu Tohya, Melty Blood, as well as Nasu's earlier novel Kara no Kyoukai. The characters are all super deformed-style, here's a picture of the some of them on the covers:



Gameplay isn't complicated, only the mouse is needed to play. You move members of your party on grid-like maps and engage various enemies, ranging from grunts to bosses. Attacks are unique to each character, and can be magical, melee, or even projectile. It can run on low-end computers, so you don't need godly tech specs to play (and yes, it can run on Vista). There are currently 4 Acts out, plus the new Perfect Patch (which updates and adds new graphics to attacks, new BGMs, and 2 new characters).


It's currently in Japanese, but an English patch for all 4 acts has been released, which can be found here.


Here's a demo video:


Anyone here ever play it?

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's worth a shot, and you don't need any intimate knowledge of F/SN or Tsukihime.
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