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Gedna Relvel and The Crimson Plague


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I have completed the main Tribunal quest and during my wanderings I passed the door to Gedna Relvel's lair...I hate knowing there's a smug Lich hiding safely beneath Mournhold but I seem to have some crossed-quest-wires that prevent me from triggering the door. My Catch-22 is as follows...


1. I have talked to the lady outside the temple who mentions the epidemic.


2. I have gone to the temple healer who rather surprisingly tells me that talk of the epidemic is exagerated and that the temple has it under control. She than nags me to deliver a potion to a man in Godsreach.


3. The annoying thing is that I've already delivered the potion, and received her thanks for completing the task. I can't give him another and all he does is ask for a dagger that, again, I've already given to him.


I have read previous posts on the quest and haven't been able to find an answer. There is mention of a Kahjit character in other posts but I can't seem to get a conversation cue about them.


Is there a console command to open the door? Or does anyone have a better idea?

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The lady outside the temple is irrelevant.


The door to Gedna Revel's tomb will only open if you follow the quest and talk to the Khajiit.


After delivering the potion to Geon Auline you have to kill some rats. According to the hints I have seen on UHS these rats may not appear for a couple of days during which time the quest cannot proceed. (In my game they always appear at once). I suspect this is what you need to wait for. Once the rats arrive you will kill them and be asked to deliver a second potion. After that you will meet the Khajiit and it will progress smoothly for you. Try resting for 48 hours and see if that works. If not you can advance the quest by using the console to add the relevant journal entry.

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I suspect from checking the scripting that the journal entry you need would be 'Journal MS_CrimsonPlague 30' to start the rat plague. Cartainly the same code plus the number 50 will get you the next cure disease delivery.
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