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Questions about modding the Holorifle


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I've been trying my own personal modding of the Holorifle, as a tinkering of weapon limits. There are some questions I cannot get from the Geck wiki, and I was hoping to get them answered:


1. When you put a sight on a weapon like a laser rifle, the mod section of the weapon lists a zoom parameter, but nothing on which type of scope is put on. I assume the Value 1 and 2 boxes determine the zoom capacity, but I'm not sure how. Therefore:

A. Where is the type of scope on a weapon mod determined?

B. How can I take the 2.86 magnification of the standard rifle and increase it to 3.5? I mean this both in modifying the original scope parameter, and should I choose to swap out a standard Holorifle mod for an improved scope.


2. Is there a way to set the weapon itself to always do a critical death animation upon deathblow? In this case, regardless of Bloody Mess, the Holorifle, no matter the wielder would always disintegrate on death.


3. How does the Values of Ammo regen (per shot) work? I have no trouble getting the standard 1 recycled shot per 4, but I wanted to get a full double charge: in this case 8 shots for 4 Microfusion Cells? The GECK entry flat out says it doesn't know know how the Values work.


Thank you in advance.

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1A) For a weapon mod scope, that's determined under the Mod Info tab for that weapon. To change the stock scope, look in the Art and Sound tab where you shall see "Has Scope" option
2) Under the Game Data tab for the weapon, increase the Crit % Mult to 100.
3) Setting regen rate to 2 might work.
Edited by dangman4ever
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