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Another Load order help thread!


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I have tried using FCOM to use Frans, MMM, OOO, Warcry, and Bob's Armory together, like the readme's and websites say, but I can't seem to make it work. Always have a CTD. Using BOSS doesn't do anything. I don't understand what it does.


I followed the FCOM guide for my load order, but still nothing.

Is the FranOOOMMM more likely to work? Am I missing a mod or something that I need?

Help is greatly appreciated.


EDIT: SORRY! Just realized this is in the wrong place. I just switched from playing Fo3 to Oblivion yesterday, oops.

Now I must figure out how to move this thread...hmm

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search for a utility on tesnexus call Boss - better oblivion sorting software or something similar to that, not only does it prep mods for fcom, it handles other mods as well. Check it out and never worry about sorting again.
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