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When Textures attack.....


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Not sure if this is the right place to post. but will ask anyhow. I have recently started having an issue with textures loading up all wonky.....leather armor all over a wall...teeth on a door...that kinda thing...now before asking..yes i always do Archive invalidation just to be on the safe side...i notice this really only happens when i go into say AWOP area..the huge underground areas and such..or if i use the mobile truck since i have fast travel disabled....i get to a place like say camp maccaren or good springs .and bam...stuff is wonky. i save..then quit..and then reload..its fixed.. i have never questioned it but i am curious...is this because my HD is just having a heartattack? not using an SSD as my rig is getting up in age and will get one when i get a new computer..but is that my issue?....that i have alot of texture replacers and such that its too much. just curious.

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i don't have a specific answer, but the only way I would know to fix it would be pretty drastic. which would be to goto a place where you see the problem. then delete all texture packs and uncheck all mods with them other than the AWOP place you are. then add each texture pack mod back one at time and hunt down the one that does it.


I personally try to not use too many texture packs especially ones that over-ride each other for reasons of lag/wierdness anyway.

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I got this same thing happening after I tried to create a small mod to add a few weapons to perk lists. As soon as I started the game with my mod installed I got textures changing from one to the other depending on how close you got to an object or from what angle you looked at it. also a lot of textures were missing so I got purple faces and buildings and a few meshes were missing as well, I ran into an exclamation point that turned out to be a veteran ranger. As soon as I loaded up without the mod everything was back to normal. Could just be one of your mods acting up. I am going to try and get help with mine and see if I can get it working. good luck

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