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x2 the threat and freelancer


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true but most missions i do only cover a few sectors and the trading missions (ie fetch enough of this commodity within the time given) depend on how far you search for that item.

combat you just have to search for the enemy or something and thats always within a sector or so from where you are.


so yeah true it doesn't HAVE to be massive. it's just nice to be able to explore once in a while. somewhere new. in freelancer i know roughly where every single system is. in x2 i've done the same but it's nice that theres more to explore when you get round to it. space exploration can be fun. (admittedly if you accidentally forget to save the game before you quit it can get boring covering the same turf but thats why your supposed to save.


also if i owned LOADs of ship in freelancer, yes it would be boring. but it would be nice to own more than one which is another PART of the reason i like x2.

plus, as i said before, the variety of missions is refreshingly decent for a space sim.


but yeah i will admit size doesn't always matter in computer games. but you gotta admit, its nice to have the option of having a large universe, being able to search around sometimes. possibly find something new, i.e. in x2 it's possible to find things like ufos from 50s style tv flying around, clocked at 450 mps.

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Hmmm... Well I've played both and only barely got into X2 before getting discouraged and replaying freelancer. X2... even with the fast forward function I still took way too long for my attention span to do anything. The physics were cool in their own way (kinda) but the controls and ease of use (or lack there of) just kinda left me stranded in space. I got to this one mission where I was supposed to navigate through a minefield I couldn't see the mines and kept on getting killed. Thats when I called it quits on X2. Freelancer I played all the way through and loved it. Is there any news of a sequel to freelancer? I don't know if I'll get X3 but I would like to be nicely surprised. I'm a sucker for space combat sims and still play Tie Figther every once in a while (when I can get it to run from a dos boot disk :-P). Anyways, thats just my 2 cents and I read all the arguements in favor of each and just thought I'd throw in my thoughts.
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hmmmm. i understand getting bogged down by something like that. but i eventually get annoyed and go screaming back in to deal with it... so to speak.heh :rolleyes:


anyhoo, basically eventually you might have got a message from brett. he tells you to fly some drones or missiles into the middle of it all cos they dont av a friend/foe recognition system. i.e. if they see something moving they blow up. so get some drones. i try to use as many as possible. then send a single drone against a targeted mine. you have to be withing 6 km and using your targeting system. keep switching targets with the pgup or pgdown buttons. eventually you get a lock on a squash mine. then you send the idiot drones to go attack that target. this blows up the mines and removes them. but you have to keep repeating it for each cluster you find. once you cant find any mines with the targeting system. then you should start trying to scan the gate. use shift+e to get out of the ship and explore, your looking to scan the narcells. it's always the second one you scan, no matter what. also use the salvage insurance when you need to. i.e before you start blowing mines up so you can be sure of getting them all.


hope that helps. when www.x2source.com comes back online you should be able to gain any help you might want from that site. egosoft is good too.


i agree on the speed of the game. but i find it nice to ba able to sit back and relax sometimes, and thats what the trading side of x2 allows me to do, whilst putting together some serious money to pay for ships and stuff.

x3 looks like it will improve some more.

but as for the controls, just ask around or (try to) use the manual for a guide.

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  • 1 month later...

Haven't played x2 but just finished single player on Freelancer and have not played since. Why you ask?




It would be better if the trading thing was a little less repetitive, and had, I dunno like 'random encounters' other than being attacked.


Carting 250 luxury foods from new berlin to manhattan, without saving, only to be pwned just before the liberty jumpgate cos the humpback has the turning circle of the QE2 (apparently a cruiser can outmaneuver it!) kind of killed it for me...


Would try multiplayer but my uni won't let you play games online...

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