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Number of polygons and tris per object?

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Okay, so I've been making trees and stuff in Speedtree. So far my trees are coming in at about 3000 tris. Any less than that and I can't make them very dense. If I add a few extra details, like caps on the branches (which are mostly covered by leaves anyway) that goes up to 4000 tris. Is that way too high for trees in a forest? I've seen Youtube tutorials of people making trees for about 500 tris, so 3000 seems quite high, even assuming they meant theirs to be very low spec.


Also, what's the going rate for faces/triangles in a main character body mesh these days?

I've heard everything from 3k to 40k.

Edited by Rennn
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Did you mean to post this in one of the other forums? Like maybe "3D Modelling"? :ermm:


This one ("Hardware and software discussion") is probably not where the people who might be able to answer you hang-out.


Oh, I forgot about that section. o_o Thanks for mentioning it...

Maybe someone could move this? Or I could post again in the correct area if someone with access doesn't move it.

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