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Requesting a mod- Buyable & Quest rewarding custom Player Houses


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I just saw a video of Ebonvale. It adds a village between Riverwood and Whiterun, and looks fantastic.
And at first I thought, i want this mod it will enhance my upcoming playtrough of Skyrim.


But half way trough the video, i saw that a beautiful player home was included with everything you'll ever need as a dragonborn.
And that's where I said, no I cant get this mod.

Becuse i dont want my Story to start with a giant big player home with everything i need.
I haven't deserved that.
And this basically goes for all the beautiful player homes out there except for the vanilla buy able homes.


So what i want is a mod that makes it so every player home will have to be bought from an npc and isn't yours from the beginning.
After playing half trough skyrim, you get so much gold and nothing to spend it on. This would also fix this problem, allowing you to buy homes for 30-100 thousand gold, if not more.


What would be even better, was that for example in Ebonvale, the player house belong'd to a familiy of npc's. And perhaps trough a quest (this is my horny dream) you in some way interact with theme, and find out they are moving because of something or etc. And there by the player house becomes buyable or given as a reward(if the questline in long hard and difficult)

In the thief's guild quest line where you first get the GoldenGlow eastet deed i was so incredibly happy and thought, oh my god, perhaps i can actually get this island as my player home.
And perhaps with interactions with guards, guarding etc.
But no! Bethesda just made it so you could sell the god damn need to Maven Black-Brian, and that was all of it.
I that's the first time i thought about this, how awesome and rewarding it would be to actually get to either buy or get a player home trough a long line of quest and interactions.

This would make the RPG feeling rise trough the roof while playing Skyrim.
Instead of: Your a prisoner that escaped duo to a dragon attack, and you start with a free castle, a beautiful riverside lodge, etc etc.


I'm not a modder my self, but would there even be the slighest little chanse for creating such a mod? Or is it mission impossible.
guess it would require the mod author of other playhomes, to either give permission or making a questline or npc theme self as a compatibility patch?

Thanks for reading my ideas.
Perhaps in a few years this is possible.

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