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I couldn't make my mind up


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:excl: The reference pictures might contain some nudity (mostly tease) so don't click the links if you can't stand it. Thank you for your cooperation. :excl:


Well, I have been thinking on if I should make this wish or not since a week back, mostly because I can't

make up my mind of what I'd want most and that I were thinking on using some of it to learn Blender, Nifskop and

GECK, though for that time is required, which I for the moment lacks a lot of.

I have still not decided while posting this which wish I want most...

So, what will I do? I'll simply post all the wishes in this thread, and whoever that

ends up being interested can select which of these to create. Maybe just one of them, or maybe two? Maybe feeling

a bit creative and try making them all? You decide!



-------------------------------------[Wish 1]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3


1. I'd like to have the boots togheter with the stockings.

2. The boots in Pic 1 could be colored black and be a bit more glossy. The stockings could be Black and Yellow (non transparent).

3. I'm all happy with the colors on the boots in Pic 2, though could be made black but keeping the red if concidered a better option.

4. Also here I'm satifyed with the color of the boots, so changes to that isn't needed.

5. As you might have figured, each set is a non replacing item and I'd like being able to mix them with other items (i.e with Female Mysterious Stranger - TYPE3 mod).

So if each set could come out like:

Pic 1: Itemname[slot1], Itemname[slot2], Itemname[slot3]

Pic 2: Itemname[slot1], Itemname[slot2], Itemname[slot3]

Pic 3: Itemname[slot1], Itemname[slot2], Itemname[slot3]


It would be a greate thing to be able to mix them with some other Armor/Clothes mods items.


-------------------------------------[Wish 2]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Pic 1


I'm mostly interested in the top and the mask here, they should keep their color

but not being transparent, however, an slightly transparent top/mask can be made if the urge is there.

I couldn't find a picture showing the front, so use your imagination here.

Would be great if the top and mask also could come out as no 5. in Wish 1, not all needed though.


-------------------------------------[Wish 3]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Pic 1


I'd like if the colors could be kept simular. The gun is a must but the googles can be skipped.

I couldn't find a better picture for the male version so a bit imagination might be needed.

If it should be a whole solid set or seperated as in Wish 1, no 5. is up to

the one deciding to work this one out.


-------------------------------------[Wish 4]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Pic 1


The rapier, glove and mask is not highly wanted, so skip if if not feeling for creating them too.

This shouldn't be a solid set, so same as Wish 1, no 5. if able.




This would be all wishes and as said, don't make 'em all if YOU don't feel for doing that.

Any of these would be a great additon to my locker at least.


Now I am going to cross my finger and wish really hard that someone is interested.



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Oh, I'll do that Skree. I did however do changes to the W1-5 shoes, adding some rusty iron plating and small plastic/copper skulls to

work with an raider outfit I'm Sketching on. :yes:

Hopefully my friend doesn't decide to abadone me again, then progress will take a loooong time.

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