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Bye bye BoS

Harabec Weathers

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You should be able to blow up megaton.




Overkill! That would be great. Except this time there should be an even bigger crater, since the destruction from blowing up megaton does not do the Atomic BOmb honor. The aftermath of the Atomic Bomb going off is miniscule compared to what a real Atomic Bomb (especially one that big) would really do. Plus the radion would make the area unlivable.

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I did indeed blow up the Citadel. >D

If I can't join the Enclave, dammit that was the next best thing to it.

Although, admittedly, I did spend a fair amount of time backing and forthing on the subject.

...Except I also had the 'Follower Autumn' mod enabled, so all the time I was loitering there going "Citadel? Base? Citadel? Base? Citadel?", I was uncomfortably aware of the EAF commander standing RIGHT BEHIND ME.


Eventually I pretty much heard him bellowing "Kid, just press the damn button before I do it for you!" in my head.

So I did.

No more Pentagon.

How sad. ;3;

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I blew up the mobile base crawler not knowing it would set my karma back to very good...


You would not belive how many innocent people I have murdered just to get the very evil title, still, I have it back now... But damnit, blowing up the crawler shouldn't do that!

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I blew up the mobile base crawler not knowing it would set my karma back to very good...


You would not belive how many innocent people I have murdered just to get the very evil title, still, I have it back now... But damnit, blowing up the crawler shouldn't do that!


I agree, theres an unbalanced amount of good versus bad karma givers. Look at how easy it is to get good karma. And just look at how difficult it is to even maintain evil karma. It really does take some work lol.

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Blowing up the Mobile Crawler is a tactically moronic thing to do anyways. All that tech gone to waste. I mean you've already went through it and cleared it of Enclave forces... then there's the satelite nukes you waste doing it...


Also it's funny how the Enclave didn't just use said nukes on the Citadel themselves, they already had it targeted...

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Anyone else choose to whip put the Brotherhood with the Orbital Strike?

Lol I feel so alone in the wasteland now haha.


The BoS peeps are still about and you do get the nice gun...

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Blowing up the Mobile Crawler is a tactically moronic thing to do anyways. All that tech gone to waste. I mean you've already went through it and cleared it of Enclave forces... then there's the satelite nukes you waste doing it...


Also it's funny how the Enclave didn't just use said nukes on the Citadel themselves, they already had it targeted...


You know you're completely right.

Lol Beth fail.

Maybe the Enclave didnt do nuke the Citadel for that exact reason. Since the BoS did emerge with Liberty Prime, they might have thought that there was more to be had there. But the Enclave never made any push or attempts to take the Citadel. Only when they landed at Project Purity. Even if the Citadel gate was shut, the Enclave had the Vertibirds that they could have landed right in they and overwhelmed the Brotherhood before they had time to fortify thier positions.

Not to mention they were able to control Deathclaws. Hell let a few of thoe things loose and it would have been over.

In my opinion the Enclave was, in every aspect, pathetic.


The smart thing for the Brotherhood to have done was to NOT detroy the Crawler Platform but to repurpose it for their own use. That is what the Brotherhood was supposed to be doing anyways right? Recovering lost tech? How many Mobile Crawler Bases do you figure you'll just stumble across eh?

Bad move Brotherhood, bad move. If anything, the crawler could have served as a new HQ for research and such. Since the Brotherhood did in fact capture at least two Vertibirds, how could they not have seen the obvious tactical advantage, even with fighting super mutants. The Crawlers communications capabilities could have allowed the Brotherhood to keep better communications with thier patrols, thus allowing air support for BoS patrols that got overwhelmed by Super MUtants of something.

All together. FAIL!


Me thinks Broken Steel is in dire need of a story revamp lol.

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