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What are you making at the moment


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I am, surprisingly, still working on my Pirate Island mod. many of you know what that is I presume. the forums for it have been dead for prolly a year. but m,y work has still gone on....except im the only one workinmg on it. its fun though.....



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Did anybody think about those, whose PC is't strong enouth for Oblivion (Sad isn't it :*(  Waiting so long for Oblivion. Than waiting so long for a new PC :*(  I can't take it)

So I think I will work with Morrowind for a long time now.



I'm glad i'm not alone in having a pathetic computer which will be stuck with Morrowind for a time to come...


I am currently twidling my thumbs, waiting for Adras to merge Ravenhold Castle....


you can probably turn some things on and off to make it look better or work better like in morrowind. My computer is ok, pretty new, yet switching the shading option to full shadow, i walk very, don't know how you call it, but its the opposite of smooth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! People!

This topic is not about photoshop or about "Who has got the worse PC".

Lets return to the original.

I am helping Theta and Switch with the Iredior mod.

And after that, I am planing to complete my Bloodmoth Legion Fort mod.

If anyone can help me with dialogs and NPCs I will be very greatful, and I will also be needing a scripter. (I think)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm making a small house in Balmora for my character, but I will most likely make it bigger. It's a good thing I don't download balmora mods, any of the 1324769529 them, or I wouldn't even be able to place it within 3 miles of the city...lol.
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the whole dialogue/script thingy isn't working good for me. Going to make a little house mod, in which the most difficult thing will be writing a text on a scroll of like 3 lines. In other words, easy peasy.


You will find a house, it belongs to a crazy, yet wise wizard who doesn't live there anymore. You find a "clue" on the door, and it will point out where the next clue is. And it all is in that house. Then the last clue tells you where the reward is. I'm going to make a chair out of gold :D. No not out of gold as in gold, i mean gold as in gold coins. Will be fun to make (and for players to ruin)


Going to start on it now.

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