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Raider Survival Mod?


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Hey, I stink with the construction set, always have, and was wondering if maybe someone out there could make a mod like this. Maybe there would be a small car out in the wasteland with a guy standing next to it. He would tell you maybe there were some Raiders attacking a small town, and Maybe you could help. You activate the sided door of the car like a door to another intereior. Then,, you end up by another car, and you are given the morning to set up mines and traps and such. There would be like a follower and you could tell them where to put bear traps, there are maybe several towers, a couple of huts, and a failsafe Bunker/fort. There would be a few citizens, and they would all have respective homes. There would be an armory that would have a few guns, a limited supply of ammo, and a few mines. You would probably stay in the towers first for a few waves of Raiders. Then, after a while there could be Super Mutants coming at you, Probably making you fall out to the Housing section. Then in the end Behemoths pummeling the town, stranding you to the failsafe. When you go in, there would be a terminal labeled "Behemoth swarm Failsafe" You would activate that then it would tell you to go to the basement. A few citizens would be there, and they would say they new a way back to the capital wastes. When you climb out of a manhole after going through a few empty tunnels full of refugees from the town, you crawl out somewhere behind Megaton, or maybe behind Vault 101. If it was too hard to script it could only be Raiders/Only Behemoths, but have a ton of ammo/nukes and such. May be a rather large request, but I figure I can wait a while. I just thought it would be cool to see a mod like this.
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