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Someone do SOMETHING with Willow.


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Okay, so my last request didn't get many views. Hopefully I'll do a little better this time.


Now, Willow. The ghoul sentry patrolling the outside of the Museum of History. She's useless the way she is now. All she does is greet you during your first visit and then continue her patrol. It would be nice if she would at least help me fight the Overlord that spawns right in front of the doorway whenever I fast travel to the Museum, but here are a couple of other solutions.


1. Make her a companion:

Last time I checked, she had 100 in Energy Weapons and she has a Laser Rifle, so she'd be a pretty decent follower. It'd be good for players who can't fork over the caps for Charon's contract quite yet, but don't want to kill Greta.


2. Give her an awesome unique weapon:

Make her worth killing. Turn her dinky little Laser Rifle into an instrument of destruction. Give it an incendiary effect like the Zhu-Rong, have it ignore armor like the Deathclaw Gauntlet, something.


Now, who wants to step up to the plate and actually make Willow useful?

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