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New Oblivion realm by Mika999


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First, sorry for my bad English. Now, let's get started...


Ok, people, I started a big free roaming Oblivion realm for Skyrim. In this topic I will post images and news, you can ask questions, give ideas and make suggestions.


This will be a world of eternal war and battle, for high level players. There will be a few Daedras, but they will be the commanders of the army, so there will be bosses in the game/


What is already done:


- realm name: Shard of Oblivion

- 32 cells

- Large volcanic hole with strong Oblivion wind ( do fire damage to player)

- npcs and enemies

- full lod

- burning lava (instant kill player on enter)

- flame horse "Blaze"


Also, I need help with this:


- How to set ALWAYS DAYTIME for Exterior worldspace? This is main problem .

- how to fix bottom layer of the sky (light purple color on pictures) --------------------------> FIXED

- story and quests writers



If anyone wants to help me with this project sand me pm.





First exterior look "burning fort"

This Oblivion wind caused a large volcanic crack in the earth. The player must take every possible shelter if he wants to cross over, otherwise he will be burned.
Other exterior:
Oblivion gate. Miners found a huge hole in the mine, covered with concrete slabs. This hole is deep over 1000m, and leads directly into Oblivion (no loading screen, free real time falling)
Inside the hole is total darkness. Once a player has used a torch, realizes that is no longer in the world of mortals. No turning back.
Also check my new website for more mods: http://mika999mods.weebly.com/skyrim-mods.html
Edited by Mika999
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  • 2 weeks later...

At first I thought "Nah, just another oblivion worldspace mod..."

But damn, man, you really gave that place some atmosphere. I wish I could help ya out, but alas...


I'm not sure, but are masser and secunda supposed to be in oblivion? Maybe they should be removed if possible, I dunno.

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Hello everyone. :smile:


I thought this topic nobody will see... :D I work alone, and the project is huge, so progress is a little slower. But, I am working on this every day so don't worry, I hope it will be ready soon.


This realm is a psychological contrast of reality. You'll see a lot of strange things (like masser and secunda ), but they are all for a reason and puzzle pieces for huge picture. Some parts of the realm were even a little sick (as the dead children in coffins in a boats), but do not mind me, it's all part of the my artistic vision of a "hell" in TES universe.


Thx all for supporting me! :smile:

So...here some more update pictures :devil: :


Oblivion ground is composed of corpses of fallen warriors.
Dremora - Lord of War (Any cool name ? ) You really do not want to mess with this guy... :D
Edited by Mika999
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