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Nice Behind Body Replacer


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Although all Body Replacers available are really well done, I have always felt that the back looked a little too ... male. I played around with NifSkope a little bit to get the look that I would really like:





However it seems NifSkope can't save the transformations just that easy. It would have been too simple I guess. I have looked around a little and it seems I would need to use something like Blender to edit the nif. Too bad I cant run it with python2.5 which I need for wrye bash, which for some reason wont work with 2.6 (if anybody has managed getting wrye bash with python2.6 to work, please tell me which versions you used of each component)

Or is there a way to accomplish this just with NifSkope?

Or maybe somebody would like to make this little modification

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Jesus, these tools are insatiable! I tried installing blender on my notebook, now it wants some crazy microsoft stuff. Will download this now I guess. So, nobody up for the job eh?


EDIT: Can anybody explain to me how I can use blender to transform the NiTriShapes like in NifSkope?

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