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In Search for Fellow Modders for The DLC Sized Project "It Came Fr


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Salutations My Fellow Modders

You Might know me as the creator of Wattsworth (which is still going to be updated, I got a way more advanced version in my game of Fallout NV, but I need to work out the last few kincks)

He was actually a test mod, meant for a much bigger project, called It Came From Caveni Island

The Mod features new clothing, armor weaponry, new enemies, new land (A Tropical Island, or atleast, what is left of it) a big story und alot of sidequests, new characters, special events with wild wasteland trait (in other words, the whole lot)

Now I am trying to make this mod on my own (or atleast I had everything set up to start on it myself) but Everything will work out better if I had a crew (read team of fellow modders) that could help me with this project, as there will also be new animations und when the mod is finished, I'd love to make a trailer about it to increase popularity


Everyone will get credit for what he/she contributed, no matter how big, or small your contribution was


Let me know in a comment or PM me if you are interested





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