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Essential Morrowind mods?


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I've decided I want to try and tackle Morrowind before Oblivion comes out, and I know part of the fun will be in using the many player-created mods available. I have both the Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansions, but have never played any of them before, so I'll be starting fresh.


What mods are recommended to enhance my gameplay, be they items, people or quests, etc?

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so many good mods have been made by so many people, so you'll have to specify catergories first. after that we'll all help you find awsome mods. i can give you a link to a web site with some good mods actually.




Fair enough.


I guess in the first instance I want mods that change the gameplay for the better, so things that change the balance for the better, or changes to the interface.

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Do have a look at the pinned threads in this section of the forum. Also search on 'favourite mods' and 'favorite mods' will probably give you a lot of help. Some mods can slow game play down unreasonably so you need to be wary of adding too many at once. Some I use include Multiple Teleport Marking, Master Slave Key, Betterbodies/heads and VTA travel. Because I now only play to check the odd mod or two I have added some 'effects', atmospheric sound effects, birds, fish and children etc.


There are also the 8 free bethesda mods that are mostly worth playing.

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