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Possible to use MMM, OOO, and Frans?


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So, I was setting up OOO, and Fran's, seems pretty easy, then I get to MMM... the folder is full of things, like MMM for OOO, ect, I'm getting confused. Is it possible to use all 3 and how do I do it? I'm almost wanting to use FCOM... but MAO, the animation overhaul wants load order like this.



Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.esp -> if you use it

Martigen's Monster Mod.esp -> if you use it


AnyAnimationPlugins -> if you use any

Mayu's Animation Overhaul.esp

Streamline.esp -> if you use it

Bashed Patch.esp -> if you use it

Deadly Reflex.esp -> if you use it



Be sure that your Load Order looks like this.


Any advice? :thanks: Also.. I wanted to use Armamentarium for Francescos... so I could get a lot of new NPC Items with fran's. If that's not possible though, it's chill.


How exactly would I get Fran's with the item's addon, MMM, and OOO at the same time? I'll probably have to use FCOM, but would that still work with MAO? Also what patches am I gonna need for FCOM ;D?

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Yes you can use all 3 mods together. If you are worried about your load order or don't know how to place them corretcly download "Better Oblivion Sorting Software"
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Thanks! :)

and another question to everyone... I think I decided to use FCOM since I just noticed it includes Oblivion Warcry!


How could I use THIS, which is Armamentarium for Francesco's, which adds a ton of new equips among NPCs? And what other mods can I use to make combat better- I already use Adrenaline.


And what other mods add to FCOM equipment/gameplay...? Overall, good mods I can use with FCOM, and what's inside of it. ;D.

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