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Anyone know of an armor set acquired same way as defaults


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Well I was looking around and I cant find a set of armor that is acquired in the same way as the normal sets, I just want to add a higher level armor for late game characters but all the armor mods I can find seem to just be acquired from some shop, dungeon or quest.


Could anyone help me out?



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Well I was looking around and I cant find a set of armor that is acquired in the same way as the normal sets, I just want to add a higher level armor for late game characters but all the armor mods I can find seem to just be acquired from some shop, dungeon or quest.


Could anyone help me out?



There are some, which are part of OOO, frans, or Warcry, but many of these are just retextures.


Unfortunately, there are two main issues which prevent this sort of thing being done on any real scale.


The first issue is due to leveled lists. Leveled lists can only be altered by one mod at a time, and are prone to conflict issues. Although there are ways of merging lists with wyrebash, most of the people using mods don't understand this process well enough to really put it to use on anything as large scale as this. And due to that, there aren't many people who even want to touch leveled lists since most wouldn't be able to figure out how to use them without conflicts.


The other issue is a bit more complicated. For leveled lists to contain that type of stuff, that kind of stuff must exist in a state where it can be utilized in such a manner. Many armor mods are of the sort which are either designed to be something special, and thus only used by the player, companions, or bosses. Furthermore, most armor mods are either incomplete sets, full body sets, or are only made for a single gender. Due to this, the number of applications for most armor mods is rather small, and any application would not work with any of the existing leveled lists. What remains unfortunately tends to be almost entirely simple retextures, or other things, which while they might be applied, don't really accomplish much as far as added variety goes.


The real issue here is more about how common most of the stronger armors are, and how many who make armor mods chooses to give the armors values better than daedric. And that is atleast partially solved by mods like OOO, Frans, and similar. The ultimate limitation however is that there just aren't that many new armor meshes/textures which can even be deployed in any meaningful manner, and most that are have already been put to use.

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