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Multi-Character World changing (No idea how to name this)


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I was thinking about this, while I am gathering mods for another playthrough. No idea if this have been done, or is even possible to begin with.


I try to explain this.


What if there was a mod that marks quests as completed , just by not your current PC. For example.


You have 2 characters. One is the dovahkiin, the other is the new Thieves Guild leader. While playing the Dovahkiin you can see every change in the world that the Thieves guild questline did. Fences in every city, restored Ratway, no Mercer Frey etc. And while playing the Thieves guild character you can hear guards talking about the dovahkiin, see Odahiviin trapped in Whiterun at some point etc.


So in summary see the results of some questlines in the world without actually doing them on the character of your choosing.



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