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Quests, Music, and More!


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A little background, apologies for the dubious hours it will take you to ascertain the information:


I am fairly new to this particular forum; I am already a member of the GECK forums as well as the Fallout/Bethsoft forums. I have been spending the last couple of hours looking at some of the mods created within the Fallout 3 universe, and I am absolutely amazed by the quality and quantity by many of the mods released on this site. This led me to searching for what other ideas people are gathering in order to further enhance the experience provided by the game. Which leads me here.


I am currently writing from a computer that is not my own, as mine is temporarily out of commission. Before it had become completely busted, however, I was unable to run the GECK after installation (which I have tried fixing per forum assistance to no avail), and my game has been consistently crashing (possibly because I am running the Steam version - never purchase the Steam version). Anyways, what I am going to request comes from someone who hopes to be a potential modder and enthusiast within this thriving community. I have done my research and understand the best way to complete these tasks is by doing them myself, but at the moment I have no way of doing so, so I will lend my creative passion towards the hands of others in hope that I can assist with someone who can take my dreams and make them into fruition.




So, the list begins (If you have not played, spoilers do permit):


1. Music - Although the game has over 20 licensed songs plus a score by Inon Zur and violin compositions performed by whichever musician played those, I seem to hear the same songs over and over again. I understand the music selection is not extremely plentiful, but I do hear repitition within each hour I play the game, which should not occur by my understanding considering the amount of content. Although it does matter what station you are listening to, or if you are listening to one at all, the same tracks happen to play over and over again.


Bottom Line - Is there any way to add music from the same artists, genre, time period, or musical scores into the system without breaking it entirely? I have done some research and noticed requests for bluegrass and heavy metal, but was not able to find any sort of response regarding implementation, just notes saying "Good idea". Seems to be a trend around here.


2. Quest Ideas -


A. I Am Legend - Using the Family backdrop, create a scenario where (based on previous player action or action to be determined) the Family is no longer in allegiance to the Player nor the town of Arefu. Blood packs have run completely dry, and they resort once again to consuming the blood of humans. Travel could take place at night, although their shred of human psychology and physiology could lead to the possibility of traversing during the daytime. Basically take the I Am Omega outline, combine it with the most recent adaptation of the novel I Am Legend, and blend it with the existence of the scenario in Fallout 3. Possible outcomes could include: The Family leaving Meresti, conquering Arefu, leaving the player to destroy them; The player using conversation to convince the Family to feed on Wasteland creatures.

a. Again, these are only some random ideas. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


3. Mod Ideas -


A. Wasteland 2377 - New settlements, possibly updated/cleaned up towns, added characters and tech, can function with mods that have vehicles?

a. YES, I understand it is a LARGE undertaking. NO, I don't expect people to immediately jump on board. Again, mere ideas for which I would love to hear developmental feedback and how I could go about completing such tasks, arduous or otherwise.


B. GTA: Capital Wasteland - I have read about Total Conversions. They are insane, although genuinely cool ideas. I would not like this to be a total conversion. Rather, a possible implementation of the vehicle mods to allow actions while travelling (on motor), compatible with recruitment of more than one follower, and possibly a mission designed around raids or protecting a certain caravan, things in that vein that are basically just side quests. Again, easier said than done, but something I believe would be cool to make as more than a concept.




Please provide me with feedback, and if the negative is regarding "This would be too complex for this reason, and if you wanted to do this you would need (insert sarcastic line here)" than make it short and sweet. If you know any way of helping me get any assets completed or assisting me with writing a structure, I would love to make these projects into realities.


I am trying to learn how to write scripts and concepts for games, and am looking more and more into that while I don't have access to the GECK, but in the meantime I do have some applicable skills to back up what am I preaching.


Experience in modelling, texturing, physics, and animating (no MaxScript) with 3DStudio Max (NOT MAYA) - Two years.

Experience in Adobe Photoshop (Only a slight amount in Illustrator) - Two years.

Experience in Crazy Bump - Two years.

Slight scripting knowledge in C++ engines (including a basic understanding of customizing motion and asset appearance).

Worked shortly in Blender.

Worked shortly in Werkkzeug.

Worked extensively in FPS Creator.

Worked in Torque.

Worked with .dds files, .3ds files, exporting and importing files, models, scripts, and animations into engines, placing cameras and dummies, and implementing environmental elements.

Worked with a team that developed a concept demo (video, no engine build) to be sold to Rockstar (unaware of project's status, and yes I know that sounds sketchy. Work was completed at the East Valley Institute of Technology in the 3d Animation department. Mesa, Arizona).

Ability to draw logos, certain textures, and certain effects, not too much in the way of realism.

Slight use of Unreal Engine 3, although I do not have much know-how of node based engines as of yet.

Over 100 hours playtime of Fallout 3.



Programs that I currently own:


3ds Max 2009 (Not functioning, at the moment)

Adobe Creative Suite 3 ("")

ZBrush 3 ("")


FPS Creator

Unreal Engine 3/Unreal Editor

Valve Hammer SDK

XNA 3.0



Fallout 3 - Steam Version (No DLC as of yet)




I know it's a lot, and I appreciate your time being used to read this.

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More music than you could ever need for your radio




Motorcycles you can drive





Awesome thanks. Any other help/ideas?


Honestly, I am not sure what else you were asking... other than the I am Legend thing, which doesn't exist so I really can't help there.


I am makeing a settlement that you can clean up in three different stages by doing quests and helping out the people there, not sure if that is what you were talking about... mine is more of just a small farming community for the player to call home and some hot chicks you can date and get married to


if you are interested you can look here



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