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Can I somehow change look?


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I'm lvl 8 and have finally found a good mod with cooler hairstyles than them you get normally in Oblivion. Is there any chance that I can change hairstyle on my char without to erase my stats.. Happened when I changed hairstyle with the command "ShowRaceMenu".... Thanks for reading this and (I hope so) that you answer my question. Have a nice following day!
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You can, but you need to make that carefully.


Open the console and do showracemenu command. You get character edit screen, do what you need, but DON'T press "done' button and don't close the console (or reopen it after you're done). When you're done press ESC and save your game at empty slot. Load that save. Well, that's all.


Note, that if you change your race and gender while using edit menu, even if you change them back immediately, you'll lose all your special abilities, such as racial traits and birthsigns. You can readd them through console later, but that's a boring load of work.

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