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Activate FF script


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ok get scripting for dummies first


then make a unique static with its own name that shall be the force field


then make an activator that will be the (switch)


you will need a state case detecting weather or not the field is on but this can be stored easaly in the loacal script if you start the game in default position for it






begin psudo_script

short state

if (state < 1)
set state to 1

if (onactivate == 1)
if (state == 2)
 set state to 1
 disable 'forcefield_ID'
elseif (state == 1)
 set state to 2
 enable 'forcefield_ID'



check the syntax it has been a long time for me since scripting


atatch said script to the activator


replace 'forcefield_ID' with your forcefield ID


have fun

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