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Mod creation help


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I am a beginner modder. I'm in the process of creating my own race for my own personal use, and I have created my own textures and stuff for the face etc. already done. I would like to add some hairs that some of the authors on this site have made, and I already have their mods installed in my data folder. Is there anyway that I can get their hair into my .esp without combining it with the .esp of the other mods with the hairs in it? I've tried loading up their mod with my own through the cs, and I can add their hairs to my character, but then when I save it without combining the mods and reload my mod none of the hairs are present. The hair pack I was hoping to get to work with my mod is the ren soya kd "all in one" hair pack.
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You need to copy each hair you wish to include. Character/hair right mouse click duplicate

rename the duplicate to what ever you want . open race and under body data you see hair

drag in your new hairs and save. eyes are the same except you have to change the mesh most are not compatible with each other. use delete button to remove any hair/eyes you don't want from race menu.

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I have another post in Mod troubleshooting called birthsign image. The gist of the issue is that I have the birthsign fully operational: it's selectable in birthsign menu, image and description in birthsign menu work, abilities of my birthsign work (tested out in gameplay), but the only problem I am having with it is that the picture in the main menu underneath my race doesn't work.


I have the image saved in textures\menus\birthsign as a 512x512 pixel DXT5 with mipmap .dds, the image in textures\menus50\birthsign as a 256x256 pixel DXT3 no mipmap .dds, and the image in textures\menus80\birthsign as a 512x512 pixel DXT3 no mipmap .dds image. I know the \menus80 image is correct because it's the image used by the birthsign creation menu. And I compared my images to images of the vanilla birthsigns, and they were all the correct file sizes (no way of verifying the formats to see if they are correct that I know of).


I was just wondering which image was used in the main menu the \menu50 image or the \menu image. And also which .dds format would show up properly?


I attached two images if that will help.

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I have never dealt with birthsigns but this link may help you it seems there is a bug and a workaround


while your there do a search on birthsigns to see what else you can find and visit this site often when you are looking for answers

edit that link wont open if you click on it. copy and paste to you web browser

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