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Dragonsreach entrance


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The entrance to Dragonsreach has been bothering more for awhile but I couldn't quite put my finger on why, till just now: it's the two empty areas to your left and and your right as you enter, where the two women are pointlessly and endlessly sweeping. Those two empty spaces on either side make no sense. It almost looks like they originally intended to put something there and then forgot about it. They are prime real estate that are just going to waste. Couldn't someone add something there that would be lore friendly and consistent with it being in a Jarls residence? A Jarl would want to impress and overawe visitors as soon as they enter, so maybe they would be display areas with manikins displaying ornate armors and weapons that he's captured from defeated foes. This could be fun for high level thief characters. Or maybe they are simply sitting areas, with impressive statuary, or, perhaps a combination of both? These are just some ideas off the top of my head, but anything at all would would be a vast improvement and imo, give a more finished and logical look to the Jarl's residence.

Edited by Fritziekat
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